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Ethan bit his lip. He'd been sitting rigidly for about three hours, focusing on editing a couple of videos. His eyes weren't moving from Mark the entire time, and it was slowing him down. He giggled to himself, although he didn't know why.
He'd spent so many sleepless nights toying with the idea of being held by those firm, powerful arms. A shiver ran down Ethan's back, and he felt warm all over. To his surprise and embarrassment, there was a knock at his door.
"Hey Ethan, can I come in?" Tyler's voice was such a familiarity at this point that Ethan didn't have to ask who it was.
Ethan flushed and tried to pretend he'd been editing.
"Sure, Ty, come on in," he called back. The door creaked open, and Tyler's footsteps echoed throughout the room in a strangely light pattern. He put his hand on Ethan's shoulder and gave him a sympathetic smile.
"You've been working for a while, Eth, why don't I take over?"
Ethan frowned. He had an odd feeling that Tyler knew more than he was letting on, but getting a break sounded nice. Ethan stood and stretched, yawning.
"What time is it?"
"It's almost one in the morning," Tyler said as he sat down in front of the computer.
"Are you going to be okay? This is a huge editing job." Ethan frowned, suddenly concerned.
"Don't worry about it, Ethan, I slept for half of yesterday. Just go to bed, okay?"
Ethan nodded, rubbing his temples. "Okay, but are you sure-?!"
"Ethan, you are leaving this room and going to sleep if I have to force you." Tyler warned over his shoulder.
"Okay, okay, I'm going." Ethan cast a final look back over his shoulder before retreating from the room and into one close by.
He wrapped a blanket around his shoulders, suddenly feeling weird. He had forgotten about Mark when Tyler was talking to him. He felt relaxed for the first time in a while. He finally curled up under his covers and let a sigh escape him.
Ethan was finally able to sleep.

Treat You Better (Tythan)Where stories live. Discover now