Day 2 of my trip Part 1

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Two days ago we got to paru. We haven't had a chance to wright in our jurnals till to day. Yestorday we went on a walking tour of the city. We got to go to an old church and see the catacoms under neath it. Their we got to see hundersts of human bones. After that we went to a museman about pre econ times. Their was so many atifats and they where so well preserved when I saw them they almost looked like repacas. Oh an at lunch we went to this one café and had a three cours meal. The corese ,  in this order, was temals fried beaf with rice and frys , an then fried cherows. The chorwos worn't like the kind that you find in the super market. In fact there nrt like most kind that you find in the world. They where a lot like donats but with out the frosting. Instead they had a cinamon soce

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