~ Space Kid x Reader ~ Stars

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And our first gender neutral story coming from MsGrammarNazi! Btw, sometimes the gender doesn't matter to the plot anyway, so yeah.

Being dead is NOT fun :P

Also! I wanted to say I was going to hold... a cover contest! The contest is going to be held out until about 5 contestants have entered!

To enter, comment here:

Everyone was in Mess Hall, working on whatever tasks that David gave them. Well, except for (Y/N). You could say they're a dreamer, but that really isn't exactly their problem. (Y/N) just hated teamwork, and since most camp activities had to do with either boring subjects or teamwork, they usually just hung out nearby.

Meanwhile, Space Kid had just finished up the "Make an Element" experiment (which was basically just a bunch of woods stuff crammed together and called a new substance) with Preston and Nerris when he looked around, and (Y/N) was nowhere in Mess Hall. "Uh, hey guys, where's (Y/N)? I haven't seen them all say." Nerris looked over at SK. "Probably out in the woods again. It's the fifth time this week they have skipped out on activites!"

Preston joined in, "Yeah. I know the activities suck, but not even Max skips out that much... well, he does, but he actually does something instead of just spacing out in the woods." "Then where are they?" SK questioned. "How do you expect me, future movie director, to know where she is?!" Prestom dramatically waved his (noodle ass) arms, and caused Space Kid to back up a little. "I'll, uh... just go find (Y/N)..."

The sun was setting peacefully, illuminating the sky and everything below it with hues of cotton pinks and soft oranges. (Y/N) was resting under a small oak tree with thin branches and not as many leaves as the rest of the woods. Space Kid cautiously sat down next to (Y/N) and watched the rest of the sunset go by. After dusk settled in, (Y/N) slowly opened their eyes and lifted their upper body off the ground. "What time is it?" (Y/N) groggily questioned. Space Kid was a bit startled by their sudden movement, but he quickly recovered. "It's almost night time. I was supposed to retrive you to bring you back to Mess Hall!"

(Y/N) groaned at that. "It's way too chaotic back there. Heck, that's why I hide away here. Not only is there a lot of noise, but the drama that happens there is too stressful for me..." Space Kid thought for a moment, then looked back at them. "Then do you just want to stay here under the stars?"

"That'd be perfect."

For a while, (Y/N) and Space Kid talked about the planets, constillations, and just about anything else that was out of this world.

Finally, it was time to head back. "Do you want me to walk with you?" Space Kid tilted his head. (Y/N) smiled softly. "Sure." They gently slid their hand into Sace Kid's, causing a rosy blush to appear of his face. As they walked into the cabins, (Y/N) got into their own bed first. Space Kid insited on tucking them in, so he ended up doing so.

"Hey, Space Kid..."

He turned around curiously. "Yeah?"

Before he could say more, (Y/N) held Space Kid by the shoulders and pulled him in to kiss him on the forehead, but landed on the glass of the space helmet. Space Kid giggled at this and took it off, (Y/N) then pulling them back in for one more goodnight kiss on the forehead.

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