~ Nerris x Fem!Reader ~ Magical Mornings

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A/n: Just one thing, I am back from doing volunteer work and play rehersal. However, soon I will have to get back to doing play rehersal. My play is next week! Plus, just wanna shout out my gf Lorie248 ! I know I rarely talk to you now, but I still love you so dearly! I never forgot you, my love <3

(Y/N)'s POV
I sat in the small café, sitting with my cappuchino (or whatever you like) still steaming from it's heat. The familiar smell of coffee filled my lungs, but yet a feeling of excitment and a bit of anxiety pumped through my veins. Today, I was finally going to see Nerris again.

To clear things up, here's a short story:

Nerris and I met each other through this weird camp. As I remember, David (or Daniel...?) would always call it Camp Campbell, but I always went by what the sign said. Camp Camp. My parents put me there because I was aspiring to be in the Fantasy camp. I don't remember it as a fantasy camp, though. It was more of a cluster of different camps. I remember that Nerris and I made a deal that after the whole summer was over, that we would meet up once again later in the year.

She gave me her number, but she never returned my calls or anything during the years we were apart until now.

The shop's bells rang to indicate that someone has came in. I turned my head around to see someone no other than Nerris. Instead of the usual outfit she wore as a kid, she was wearing a cute yellow sweater with jeans that were too long for her. Her hair was a bit longer than what I remembered, but was still that same poofball that sat on the top of her head. The only things that I could recognize about her was her blue boots, glasses, blue hat, and her dazzling blue eyes.

After she ordered her drink, she looked around like she was looking for someone. When her eyes landed on me, there were stars dancing in her eyes. She did that awkard speedwalk that kids do when trying to get to class while not being in trouble over towards me.

"(Y/N)!" She squealed like a little kid. "Nerris!" I kept the same childish tone that Nerris had. We hugged each other and sat back down. I didn't care that the whole café was now looking at us. "(Y/N), you look so much like you did back in summer camp! That same Dragon's outfit from when we would roleplay did always suit you." She gave my shoulder a pat as she said that, causing me to giggle a little. "And you look so different from when we first met! I always thought you were allergic to long sleeves!" We both laughed a little at that. "But seriously, Nerris. Where have you been all this time? I haven't been able to talk to you for quite some time!"

Nerris sighed. "I know, (Y/N)... My family was in chaos, and I was so busy helping with little children in hospitals." "Wait, what?" I tilted my head. "Let me explain. A few days after summer camp was over, my parents got into a fight. Apparently, my mom wanted me to grow up a young lady, and not a dragon slaying mage. My dad said that I should be able to freely express my creativity.

"After that, my parents got divorced and I moved in with my dad. Schoolwork was also a big time consumer, and I never even checked my phone after that. I was struggling with depressin then, so I decided to take my mind off of things and volunteer at a little children's hospital to cheer them up. But, after a year of that, someone decided to pick a fight with me for being imaginative, and that caused years of drama. It was only after all this drama was cleared up that I could get a hold of you. I'm so sorry I wasn't able to tell you what was going on."

I held back my tears and gave her a hug. "It's all right, Nerris. I understand."

Nerris pulled back from the hug. "I do remember one thing that I always wanted to tell you." She reached in her pocket and pulled out a tiny box. "I remember one thing I always wanted to ask of you..."

She opened the box, and in it was a beautiful ring. The ring was silver with a dragon wrapping itself around a (f/c) jewel with fire patterns inside it.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I felt heat rise in my cheeks. I looked up at her with puppy dog eyes (not the begging kind, mind you) and squeaked out a small 'yes'. Nerris smiled from ear to ear, and hugged me tight. When we both pulled away from the hug, she gingerly slid the ring onto my ring finger. We looked into each other's eyes and slowly made our way into a soft, yet passionate, kiss.

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