The boogyman (or, my mothers coworker)

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By: fckincasual
From: r/LetsNotMeet

My mom works, to this day, in a fairly large office building. They sometimes do incentives or give the employees gifts, and somehow this otherwise awesome practice led to the creepiest experiences of my childhood.

I was in elementary school, I think 10 or 11 at the time, when my mom told my brother and I that she'd gotten a couple baseball tickets from work. 'A couple', in this case, meaning exactly two. One for her, and one for one of us. We fought over the ticket (I didn't even like baseball, I just didn't want to be left behind). We couldn't reach an agreement so my mum starts asking around.

Some guy who worked on her team had nobody to take to the game with him. He was unmarried, no kids. Extra ticket! This meant that we all sat together at the game. I remember being very aware of the fact that we looked like a family, and since my parents had gotten divorced a few years prior I thought that maybe my mom was getting back into the game.

So I start interviewing the guy, I was a pretty precocious kid so I was throwing around all the 5 dollar words I could think of and really getting all up in his personal business, trying to see if he was good enough for my mom. I remember him patting my knee, and telling me that I was a smart little girl, very pretty, and I was going to make some man very happy. I didn't take it weird, I kinda thought he was going to be my dad.

Then the whole swine flu epidemic happened. My mom had been talking about going and getting our shots done, but hadn't found the time. Her coworker gets wind of this and freaks the fuck out. He starts causing a scene right in the middle of their workplace.

I'm not sure what she said that made him snap, I wasn't there and all I know is what she's told me. I'll just interject here that my mother is a very protective person with a bad temper, so I'm sure she said some shit that she hasn't relayed to me. He starts claiming that he loves me more than my mom does, knows me better than she does. He "proves this" by saying that he has pictures of me saved on his computer, and shows her. They were pictures that my mom had taken of me. My mother says that she's going to call the cops and then he just attacks her. He got escorted from the building, the police were called, but she never actually pressed any assault charges against him.

My brother and I got called out of class, and stayed at home with my mom while she talked to the police. Her face wasn't that bad and was actually worse the next day, but I was confused and there were cops and it was obvious that someone had hit her. The cops left.

Maybe a week later when I was playing at the park beside my house I noticed a car parked nearby with a man sitting in it, so I got scared and ran home. The second time happened later that same week, I ran home and locked the door, but this time the car had pulled up to my house. I hid upstairs, I crawled to hide against the exterior wall of my room so he couldn't see me through the window. The phone rang. He never came up to the house but when I peeked I saw him, sitting on the hood of his car. Eventually he drove away.

I didn't tell my mom. I've spent a lot of energy on guilt and time talking to my therapist trying to make sense of this to myself. My therapist thinks that it was because I was just scared out of my mind, or maybe even concerned for my mom but I don't know. I just know that I didn't tell her the first day, and by the second day it felt like I'd waited too long to tell her, and every day after that it felt more like something that happened to somebody else. The more time that passed with nothing new happening, the less it felt like she even needed to know.

I don't know what made him stop. Maybe it was too risky, or maybe he was just saying goodbye. I've pretty much forgotten his face over time, but the fear stuck with me through that period of my life. I used to dread being alone, especially at home. I stopped going to the park.

Let's not meet.

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