Creepy older French guy from tinder

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By: Shanstarjayne
From: r/Letsnotmeet

Sorry this is a lot longer than I intended -

So, about four years ago I was doing a year abroad in Switzerland as  part of my degree. Just before leaving, my boyfriend and I ended our  relationship as he was off to America and myself Switzerland.  Anyway, I  was quite bummed at first and then decided it'd be fun to download  tinder and just piss about and date meaninglessly as I wasn't going to  be there for longer than the academic year.  So , I went on quite a few  dates, some were God-awful and some were with pretty decent people. I  was in Geneva so there were people from everywhere basically.

A few months in, I matched with a French guy and we were chatting for  a while. My French and his English were more or less the same level so  there were a few mild miscommunications but nothing big.         I was  20 at the time and I had my age preference set to something like 20-27.  So I've been chatting with this French guy, I'll call him Pierre  (Obviously) for a couple weeks and he seems quite cool, he's 27 so a  fair bit older and he's a science secondary school teacher at an all  girls school (Remember this as it makes it even weirder)   So we went for a drink and he buys us quite a few rounds which is great  because it's Switzerland and I'm a poor student. By the end of the  night I'm pretty drunk and I remember making out with him then getting  dropped back to my student accommodation by Pierre (He had been drinking  soft drinks after the first) Anyway, I see him a couple other times  after this and he's always pushing the alcohol when we're together.

One evening, I slept over as it was too late for me to get back and I  wake up in the morning and he'd taken off my bra whilst I was asleep ?!  He  was wide awake - rubbing my back and staring at me. I hadn't slept  with him either it'd just been making out so far. Then he told me his  mum was coming to visit and did I want to meet her? (met this guy like 3  times) I decided that I was done with this weirdo so when I left I was  planning on what to say to get rid of him. Anyway back home later, I got  a text that said something in broken English like 'we sleeped  beautifully :) '. And  I just left it on read.

Later that evening I got a call from him but I just let it go to  voicemail. When I listened to it he sounded really upset and said that  he had to confess something to me because he was falling in love with me  and needed to be honest- He revealed that he'd lied about his age. This  reminded me of that episode in Friends where Monica accidentally sleeps  with a high school student thinking he was in his twenties haha. This  guy looked quite young so I thought he'd lied and was younger than 27.  He's actually 35 - I know that's not particularly old but to date a 20  year old knowing she thinks you're young I find weird.  I blocked him on  Facebook and on my phone and just sort of got on with the last week of  term. He turned up at the reception desk one day having known where I  lived because he dropped me home that once. The receptionists asked him  to leave and informed me as he got quite insistent so they warned me.

I didn't hear from him again after this which was good and I was  flying back to the UK in a week for the Christmas holidays. During the  holidays I got a random Facebook friend request from a pretty legitimate  looking profile so I accepted it just in case I knew them. Bad idea. I  get a huge great essay from Pierre saying 'I tracked your flight all the  way back home to check you got home okay' Okay.... creep. I blocked  this other profile and got a message request from ANOTHER profile about a  week later saying that he had checked flights from Bristol to Geneva  online and decided that I would have chosen the cheaper one closer to  term so he will meet me and we can chat. Now, I don't know if he just  turned up at the airport every time a flight from Bristol came in (There  were about 2 or 3 a day ) But yeah when I land - And I didn't think  he'd be there because who would be able to guess the exact flight I was  on?  The minute I come through the gates I can see him holding a sign  with my name on and some flowers. Luckily, he was distracted at the time  so I manage to slip by and get on the train into the city. My friend  was already back so I told her to meet me and then we went to the police  because this guy was fucking weird.

Didn't have any trouble with him after this as he probably found  someone else to obsess over. But again he's a teacher! To girls 11-18.  So gross. Anyway, lets not meet again Pierre and I hope you're not still  hanging around at the airport...

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