Game 1

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Zayn is shocked to say at least. The last thing he would have expected to happen to him is to wake up in an iron cage, in a dark room with only one bright, white light shining from the ceiling. Zayn is grateful for that light. It gives him the opportunity to see the entire room. The room is empty for the rest: no furniture, no windows, no other cages, nothing. Except for the heavy door on the opposite side of the room, there is nothing else there. Or no one else.

The surfaces are clean. There is no trace of dust on the cage nor on the floor, though the room looks old. The wallpaper is plain and spotted, ripped even in some places and shows that there are cracks in the wall. The irregular spots on the wallpaper, Zayn realizes now, are dirt, not a motif like he first thought. Could it be blood? The floor is made of wooden planks, except for where the cage is placed. About a meter away, all around the cage, the wooden planks are gone. Instead, someone had placed concrete there. Probably to secure the cage in its place. 

Zayn gets up from the floor and stands up straight. He tries not to panic, even though he knows he is in trouble. He is breathing a bit faster than normal and is aware of his heart beating loudly in his chest. The cage is large enough for him and he has some space to move around. The bars over his head are impossible to reach without standing on anything. Upon trying to get a hold of the iron bars and seeing if he maybe can slip out between them, Zayn realizes that he is surrounded by a glass cage also. He fingers the glass for a second confused. Who would do something like this? 

He groans and starts to bang his hands on the glass. "Hello? Anyone? What is going on here?" He yells in desperation, hoping that someone will be able to hear him. "Ni?" 

He tries to calm himself down again and takes a deep breath. He doesn't know how much oxygen is in this cage and how fast he will run out of clean air. He doesn't want to suffocate in this cage before he knows what is going on. Wondering how someone could get him into this cage without him noticing takes away Zayn's attention from his surrounding. 

The heavy steel door opposite of the cage opens with a loud creaking sound and Zayn looks up curiously. He recognizes the silhouette of his boyfriend immediately.

"Niall?" Zayn drops his arms next to his body, giving up on trying to break the glass. It won't work anyway, as it is at least a few inches thick. "What is this? What's going on?" His heart is beating rapidly in his chest. He doesn't manage to calm himself down. The sight of his boyfriend is just giving him more chills. 

Niall steps into the room slowly, his arms crossed in front of his chest like he has all the time in the world to get to Zayn, but the moment the light falls on the face Zayn fell in love with, Zayn's heart skips a beat. And not in a good way. He had seen the evil smirk on his boyfriend's face only one time before, back in the hospital when a nurse had shown Zayn the images of what happened when Niall had killed the nurse. Minutes before he had attacked her with a fork and stabbed it through her eye, the same smirk had been on his face.

Realization strikes Zayn as an arrow and he gasps softly. Niall hasn't been taking his pills and now his other personality has taken over once again. This might mean he will kill Zayn.  A shiver runs down his spine.

"Hello, Zayn." His boyfriend's deep voice sounds through the room and Zayn gets goosebumps all over his skin. Niall stops walking where the wooden planks turn into concrete and he looks up at Zayn with an innocent smile. 

Zayn takes a step away from the glass. The cage is elevated a little above the floor, so he is towering out over his smaller boyfriend now. But clearly, Zayn is not the one in charge here.  "Why am I here?" He asks, trying to sound braver than he feels, looking Niall straight in the eye without trying to challenge him. If he is going to die, he wants to know why at least.

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