Chapter 2:It runs in the family

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I got in my room and laid on my bed . I did my maths homework and after 45 minutes I was done. You can say I was on the 'nerdy' side but not the nerdy nerds . Sure I was smarter than most kids in my grade but I was cool . I'm not the nerd that wears glasses and talks books all the time ...I don't really talk that much . Instead I'm the quiet but cool nerd that people ignore and only notice when they need help with school or something .

After finishing my maths homework I decided to log into facebook . I was bored that I was checking peoples profiles ,okay? On the 'people you may know category ' I saw a familiar name Jake Parker . I don't wanna stalk him or anything . But we are friends in real life so I might as well check his profile out . I clicked his profile name . And wow his current profile picture had 18k likes and he only updated it 2 days ago . Mine had 459 likes ,it didn't even reach a thousand .

And then I continued wondering why is he friends with me ? He is popular and judging by the comments a lot of girls wanna have a piece of him . Why would he befriend a left out ?

I continued stalking him. I saw his birth date ,16 November 2000 . Mine was 29 December 2001. His pictures on Facebook were lit but never would I tell him that . His hair looked perfect and soft. I wonder if its soft?He seemed like the definition of perfect ...which is wrong .

No one should be perfect there has to be something wrong if they seemed perfect, there always will be . I noticed something on all his pics . He's not smiling , just smirking or grinning at the camera . But still he looks good .

Okay I need to stop stalking Jake because I feel like a freak right now . So I logged off of Facebook . I thought of taking a short nap . So I took a nap . A few minutes later my nap was disturbed by the sound of my ringtone . Not even bothering to check the caller ID I swiped to answer it .

"Hello" I said in a half sleepy voice
"Can I come over to watch a movie with you?" I instantly recognised that voice as Nicks
"Nooo" I said half sleeping " I'm taking a nap "
"Too late I'm approaching the door to your room"
"What?" I said finally waking up . And with that my bedroom door opened to reveal Nick with pop corn bags in his hand and his phone on the other .
"Gosh you are so annoying" I said rolling my eyes with a smirk
"And you love me no matter what" said Nick with a pout
"Dude Saturdays are movie nights not Mondays " I whined
"Well you posponed last Saturday because you wanted to sleep and we agreed on tonight"
"You are not gonna leave ,are you?"
"Nope I'm here to stay Rolie"
"Okay then what should we watch?" I asked .
After a few seconds of Nick pretending to think he finally said " Hulk!" Like a four year old.
I smiled "okay" . We watched the movie and were half through it when Bruce was turning into Hulk , Nick spoke up "Do you think I'm a jerk? For being a player"

Okay that took me by suprise . Why would he ask that? Nick started this whole player thing in Freshman year when he got a bet from one of his guy friends to ask Melissa and Brenda out on the same day. To his surprise they both said yes . And then it continued till earlier this year he was sort of crowned the player of the school . He's fucked more than half the population of the school . I wonder if he has any STDs but he would've told me . We've been best friends since we were practically born. Our parents were friends in university so we kinda grew up together ,him becoming the big brother I never had and me becoming the little sister he never had .

"No you're not. "I finally answered him.
"Then why doesn't Andrew get that ?"he asked
" did you guys have another fight again?" I asked. Andrew was his big brother who was doing his 2nd year in university. Like brothers they fight. Andrew is the good guy ,he's been with the same girl since sophomore year. I wouldn't be surprised if they get married now .
"Yeah" Nick said like it was a casual thing ,of which it was starting to become . "He called me a man whore"  Nick said hiding his emotions
"No Nick you're not either of the things he said, you're in high school and you have to make memories and have fun. This is just your way of having fun like most teenage guys. And besides it's not like you ask for the girls to fall for you" I said . He smiled at that.  I'm glad I had made his smile .
"But can you blame them thou? I mean just look at me " he said gesturing to himself . Cocky Nick was back everybody . I took a look at him and said "I don't blame them bro. No wonder they fall. Their faces prefer to look at the floor than to look at you "
He laughed and said "great come back Rolie" .I smiled at that and we continued watching the movie.

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