Eyes up Guardian

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Darkness... that is all i can see. Nothing but the empty, black darkness that surrounds me. And it has been that way for... well, who knows how long.

I can't exactly remember what happened to me. All i can remember was fleeing from my house and then feeling pain in my chest. And then... nothing. It went away. And the next thing i knew was that i'm stuck here, floating aimlessly through the void.

Questions rang up in my head when I first arrived here. Where am i? What happened to me? Did I die? And if I did, what killed me? Will I ever get out of here? I wasn't sure on any of them.

So, here i am. Just floating in the middle of empty darkness not knowing when i'll ever see light again.

Wait a minute. I see something.

Is that... light?

Light... it has been so long since i have seen it.

I can see the flickering light in front of me, and I can't help but feel drawn to it.

It was if it was calling to me. Wanting me to come to it and touch it's warm, bright light.

And that's what I did.

As I approach the flickering light, I could see that it was glowing brighter and slowly obscuring my vision trying to make it harder for me to see.

But that wasn't going to stop me.

I pressed on as my vision was becoming more obscure with the bright light, but I didn't care. I wanted to touch the light. Embrace it.

I was now arms length at the light and I reached my hand out for it, feeling the warm rays of light touch me.

I then felt myself touching the source of the light, and when I did it... vanished.

Darkness was all i see again.

But I also felt something. Something within me.

A pulse.

(??? POV)

A loud gasp escaped from my lips as I jolted awake, feeling my heart beating fast as I take in huge gulps of air. I could see my vision being blocked by a bright light as I can feel something pressed up onto my back. Something wooden.

As I take in huge gulps of air, I can feel my mind going to panic mode and I tried to calm down and get into my barings.

Once I began to calm down, I could see that my vision was beginning to clear up. As my vision begins to clear up, I could feel the feeling of fabric on me. I looked down at my hands and I see that my arms were encased in some kind of white and brown gloves and sleeves.

"What... what am I wearing?" I asked myself as I ran my hand across the sleeves. It had a comfortable feeling to it and I could see hard armor plating on my elbow, adding some protection.

I then heard a voice.

"Guardian? Eye's up guardian!"

When I heard the voice, I quickly looked up to see the source in front of my face.

It was... a floating object?

It was made of metal and was white in color with yellow tipped ends. It was shaped as a three-dimensional star and had a singular blue, optic eye.

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