Chapter 40

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Ben was waiting for me at our lockers. As soon as he saw me standing up in front of him, he wrapped me up in his arms, nuzzling his nose in the crook of my neck.

"I've missed you, Sis." He muttered against my skin.

"Me too... It came back, you know..." I mumbled referring to my fear of losing him.

"I know, this morning... I felt it, that's why I phoned you..."He said.

"You did?"

"I did..."

I didn't know why but it reassured me to know that he had felt it.

"Lil, I want you to listen to what Peter has to say to you..." He finally blurted out after a few minutes of awkward silence.

I immediately pulled away from him.

"I can't, Ben... " I answered, barely above a whisper.

"What do you need to be able to?" He sounded so desperate.

"Why is it so important to you, Ben?" A huge knot formed in my stomach when I understood he wasn't going to answer me.

"You need to hear it from Peter, Lily..." He muttered.

My fear was suddenly back full force, so I did the only thing I could, I surrendered.

I crossed the corridor and stopped in front of Luke and Jax.

"I need you to allow Giant or Jax to come somewhere with me tonight after school..." I told Luke.

Jax wrapped his arm around my shoulders in a comforting gesture.

"I'll be there..." Luke said.

"You have Mattie..." I tried.

"I'll be there..." He repeated. "I'll leave Mattie with my mother or even with Jax if she's not available, but I'll be there..."

I sighed, but I had no other choice so I nodded.

"What time and where?" He then asked.

I shrugged. "Ask Ben..."

I walked away in silence.

"Lil..." Ben called me. His despair tugged at my heart but I ignored him.


It ended up being one of the longest days of my life.

I stayed under my tree at lunch and avoided any interactions.

Luke was waiting for me at the end of the day.

"I thought Mattie would be pleased if you came with me to pick him up..." He said shyly.

I shrugged, and got at the back of the car without a word.

Jax put some music on, so that the ride wouldn't get too awkward.

"Daddy!" Mattie ran and jumped into Luke's opened arms as soon as we got to the nursery.

"How was your day, Buddy?" Luke asked the little boy.

"I drew a picture for you, and then I played with Liam and Mark." He answered.

"That's nice!" Luke exclaimed. "I also have a surprise for you, Buddy." He added. "Look who's come with me to pick you up, today?" He moved to the side so that Mattie could see me.

"Lily!!!" He shouted.

"Hey, Mattie Boy." I waved at him.

"I drew a picture for you too, Lily." He said excitedly.

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