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First Date With J-Hope

First dates were always uncomfortable and awkward for you and, lately you've been going on a bunch. The last date that you went on was the worst of them all. (I mean, he could've at least told me that I was going to meet his family.) Anyways, you weren't particularly excited to go on another one tonight but, you promised yourself that you'd put yourself out there instead of sitting around at home, watching dramas, and eating pizza.

"So, what should I wear?" you ask your two best friends Tae and Jungkook for advice as they watched you go through your closet.

"Well, where are you guys going?" V questions as you pull different items out of your closet

"I have no idea. He wouldn't tell me." you say as you throw various items on the floor

"Sounds like a serial killer..." Jungkook mumbles before you throw one of your old shirts at him.

"Shut up. He's not a killer, he's friends with Yoongi." You say simply as you look deeper into your closet

"Hmm, I think you should wear a nice dress." Tae states as he looks through some of the items that were thrown on the floor

"No way." Jungkook says looking over at V as he digs through your clothes with him. "What if they go rock climbing or something." he continues as both you and V throw something at Jungkook this time.
"Who the hell goes rock climbing this late at night?" V asks glaring at the now pouting boy

"Well, there's a thing called indoor rock climbing." He mumbles as he pulls up a dress shirt before setting it back down in the pile.

"What if I wore a jumpsuit?" you ask the guys as you pull out the black jumpsuit that you never had the chance to wear before.

"That's a great idea." V says glancing at it. "And while you're at it wear these." V continues as he tosses your strappy black heels towards you.

"Thanks." you say as you make your way into your bathroom to get ready for your date that was set to begin in a couple of hours.


"Woah." V and Jungkook both say in unison as you walk out of the bathroom

"Do I look okay?" you ask looking at the two boys sat on your bed staring at you

"You look more than okay." Jungkook says

"Yeah, I'm gonna be honest. You look hot. As fuck." V comments as he stares at you with his mouth open

"Thanks, I guess." you say as you laugh awkwardly, you weren't too fond on receiving complements but, you had to admit receiving compliments from those two actually made you feel better.

"So, what should we do now?" Jungkook questions as you hear a knock on your door.

"I don't know about y'all but, I'm going on my date now." you say as you make your way towards the door grabbing a jacket and your purse.

"Have fun!" V shouts as you walk outside to greet your date

"I will!" you shout back as you close your door and lock it turning around to greet your date for the night, Hoseok.

"Hi, beautiful." Hoseok greets you with a warm smile taking your hand in his as he makes his way to the car sitting in your driveway.

"Hey." you say back lightly pulling your hand away from his to climb inside of his car "Where are we going?" you question him as he makes his way on to the road to drive somewhere currently unknown to you.

"You'll see." he says grinning at you as he takes your hand back in his continuing, to make his way down the street

"Alright" you mumble, rolling your eyes, staring out the window as you unconsciously play with the fingers laying in your hand

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