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Most people know who they are and they take that for granted. I don't know who I am or who I will be. So consider yourself lucky if you know your own name....

I was awakened by the soft voice that I didn't recognize. When I opened my eyes I saw a blonde lady who looked to be in her twenties. She looked upset about something.

"You are late again!" She shouted.

"Late? For what?" I questioned in confusion. When I spoke I heard another voice that I didn't recognize.

I looked down at myself and saw a body that wasn't mine. My eyes widened but were they even my own? My confusion was stopped by a loud noise.

"Are you even listening to me Jack?" The woman's face was now wrinkled in anger.

Jack? I swear that isn't my name. But if it isn't my name what is?

"Y-yeah I am listening" I stuttered.

"Why the hell are you not at school! It is 10!"

School? But I am not that young. Am I?

"Get dressed and meet me in the car!" She stomped off.

I stood up but I felt shorter than I used to. I quickly got undressed but I felt uneasy. It felt like I was undressing someone else and that is Awkward. I put on a some clothes the brands were familiar to me. Nike, Underarmour and other popular ones.

I then headed to what I thought was the Bathroom. But how would I know where to go? I don't recognize this place. So I have no Idea how to get around. I think I opened a couple of doors until finally I reached the bathroom.

As soon as I entered I saw a mirror and it startled me. It was not the mirror that shocked me it was the person reflected inside of it. It looked to be a boy in the middle of his teen life. He was blonde and about 5'6 and he had one blue eye and one "Glowing White eye" A white eye? I thought to myself.

On closer examination the iris possessed a symbol. It was an hourglass and the sand was already moving down. A timer? I thought. Why am I being timed and what happens when all the sands reaches the bottom? I shook my head in confusion.

Wait, if I had this eye all along why hasn't someone mentioned it? Can they see it? The more I look at it the faster it felt the sand travels. If I am correct I am almost out of time!

"Jack! What are you doing!" The woman I could only assume was my mother screamed. She startled me as I scrambled to "Jack's" bedroom.

I grabbed what I assumed was his bag and walked outside to see the blonde lady. She had a new ruby red Impala that was parked on the side of the road. The woman was already in the car and looked pissed. So I quickly ran to the vehicle but that's when I heard it a beeping sound.

Was it coming from the car? No.. It was a little quiet for that. I thought to myself for a second and that's when it hit me. It must have been the timer it must have stopped or finished; but nothing happened?

Then what was it for? Was I just dreaming or hallucinating. Must've been I thought to myself as I approached the passenger side of the crimson car.

That's when it happened I didn't feel it or even see it coming, a jet black truck sped right into me instantly killing Jack.

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