The Artificial Experiment

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         Perspective: Dr. Herme

    “Today is the day Dr. Herme. We have waited for this moment for years. Your technology and AI together will change the world!” The gray haired man Chuckled ecstatically as he glanced over at me.

“Indeed.. I just don’t know if it is quite mature enough yet to go out to the public.” I sighed.

Indeed today would be a tremendous day for humanity but something kept on bugging me. Was my AI ready? Can it withstand all the parts of a human body in seconds then cause it to become immune to death?

    “Dr. Herme are you okay? You are getting extremely pale!” Exclaimed my assistant. She was average size for a woman, had chestnut brown eyes, and crimson red hair. She always worried to much about others and less for herself; which had gotten herself in bad situations many times.

“Y-yes I am fine! Just a little nervous; May be check on ID before we start?” I muttered nervously. ID was the nickname of my AI its actual full name was “Immunity Over Death Program” which later on became IODP which I shortened to ID.

“Of Course you can! I understand why you are nervous but, be positive and I am sure everything will be alright!” She winked at me and turned around. “Right this way Dr. Herme!” She exclaimed cheerfully as she walked forward.

    She lead me to a familiar door that was shut tightly by hydraulic press. I walked up to the keypad next to the door and began typing in the code ID2B. As I typed it I made sure no one was watching over my shoulder. This project was my heart and soul I need to protect it from anyone who wants to use it for corrupted purposed. As soon as I typed the last digit the hydraulic door slowly rose upward.

The room was dark as I entered but that was normal. I clapped my hands together causing the lights to flick on. The light revealed 3 rows of supercomputers all connecting to one big machine in the center which had a monitor connected to it. “ID what are you programmed to do?” As I said that the giant monitor flickered on.

    “I am IODP and my purpose is to help others avoid causality by taking over their body a couple days or minutes before the incident is about to happen” These words were spoken in a dull robotic voice. The screen displayed tons of graphs and information about the machine; From succes rate to cost of the project.

    “See Dr. Herme it is perfectly stable and the success rate is off the charts! It saves 88% of people from death!” His wrinkled face was almost funny to look at when he was so happy.

    “88% of deaths that “can” be prevented” I corrected. “It can’t prevent the inevitable like old age or disease.. It is for deaths like murder, car accidents, suicide, etc… And there is a huge flaw… Sometimes the AI doesn’t realize he has been transferred into a new body. So it lives the life of the one it has possessed until it reaches its timer.”

    “That has only happened once Dr. Herme! .9% chance of possession to 88% chance of not dying is a risk we should be willing to take!”5



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2017 ⏰

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