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Just a thought can wander off, good or bad, happy or sad, it meanders its way through topics some of which you don't want to think about and that was hapening right now.

3 AM I'm sitting in bed staring at the ceiling - which isn't too far from my face - around 5 inches ; the huntsclan training academy doesn't have enough funds for new dorms but luckily for me i was placed in a room for only 2 people , i share with a girl, Alice, who hardly interacts with me but that's fine cause the only person i want to interact with is the American dragon using my dream bracelet (a dream bracelet allows you to enter anyones dreams) but it's hardly of any use if I'm wide awake.

Cruelly, I was taught that dragons and magical creatures were our mortal enemies and have been trained to slay them but all that changed one night.

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