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Dear hope,
You don't need help
Because nothing is wrong with you
You are a shattered wreck
For what they say to you

Your self esteem has been belittled
And the joy your eyes held discarded
Your glory and worth, ridiculed
Because of your size on which you could amend

You suffered moments of pain cause they werent willing to accept
You struggled with a life of insanity cause you weren't ready to accept

But trust me you don't need help
Nothing is wrong with you
Something is wrong with them.
Hope stared at her phone after reading the words her best friend had carefully constructed for her and sucked on a goofy grin. She jumped out of the bed with a new found determination and stamped her feet into her restroom,-like the fat oaf she was- -literally- and that is when all the courage melted into the white tiles beneath her.

She stared at her self in the mirror and at the fat underneath her chest people often call a tummy but to her no it wasn't. It was a blob a huge disgusting blob, brushing her teeth in over dramatised despair she got lost in her never ending train of thought
Not noting when she had her bath or pulled on her shirt that said 'I'm fat not pregnant' over her blue jeans. All these didn't click in her subconscious until Daniel her best friend walked in "when did you get here?" Hope turned from her mirror where she hoped she could fix the damage called her face "sent you a text I was coming over" Daniel waltzed into her room like he owned the place....well he owned most of the clothing items there but....He doesn't know that.
Hope stared at him dumbfounded "hun?"
"Yeah I did on your phone. You  know a device used for communication. You own one...remember" Daniel's sarcasm was only appreciated by hope's middle finger, rolling his eyes Daniel ignored his friend's mood and plopped down on her bed still as jovial as ever "so you ready" he asked "well there is nothing that I can really do to fix my face so...." "let's do this" daniel dragged his dramatic best friend out of her room waving her parents good bye she grumpily sat in the front sit beside him.

Hope shuffled into school nodding absently to Daniel's chitchats. "H are you listening" Daniel saw the distressed look on his friend's face and his heart thumped in defeat "no" she sighed dragging her shirt Down self consciously "h look at me" Daniel grabbed her shoulders and looked her straight in the eye "what was the last line of what I sent to you this morning?" Hope's short term memory in anything not related to education  mocked her in situation's like this "umm"
"Hope really" Daniel rolled his eyes "the last lines where nothing is wrong with you something his wrong with them, h did you hear me Nothing is wrong with you...okay". Rolling her head on her shoulders "what class do we have first" hope asks Daniel moving from behind him "now we are talking" Daniel threw his arm over her shoulder as they walked to class.
School could not have been more of a drag "walk any slower and you might actually go back in time" hope sneered as Daniel gracefully made his way to his car "or I might just turn to reverse flash" Daniel flashed her a Charming smile "yes and I am amilia of genovia" hope opened the front door of the car and got in "you never can tell" daniel started the car "alright Barry Allen let's go get some food, I'm starving"
"Don't rush me woman, I'm driving at the speed of light" Daniel skillfully swerved his car "well technical that's impossible with the speed of light at 3×10^8 I doubt you are psychology capable of driving at that speed in fact if you where to travel at that speed I think  you would get lost in quantum realm- "hope" Daniel stared at hope with a playful smirk "oh sorry" she muttered and looked out the window.

"What if the clouds where a carpet soaked in water and at intervals little messengers would squeeze the water over our heads" with agonizing slowness hope rose her head looked around the food court stealthily "what are you looking for?" Daniel asked "oh no nothing just my sanity before I give you an answer befitting your comment" the air around them vibrated with Daniels resounding laughter "I need to use the bathroom the words you are saying are irritating my bladder" Daniels laughter spread from their table to the next like the law of thermodynamics in a closed system... "Love you to FAM" Daniel yelled at his friend.
The stalls of the bathroom where vacated up until a blonde girl who looked to be about hope's age...if hope ever looked her age. Hope hurried with her hand washing, ignoring the way the girl looked like she was  named prom queen right from birth "fatty" the preppy girl said. Rolling her eyes hope pushed herself out of the bathroom and swallowed her anger then walked over to her table where Daniel had eaten both their shortbreads, why didn't he ever get fat she thought. maybe because he actually EXCERCISED her tummy whispered.

"Wht chku zo won" Daniels mouth was full with food "I'm sorry I don't speak 'I'm unethical so I eat like a barbarian' language, maybe you can get yourself a translator" hope slumped on her sit with a harrumph  "what crawled up your- wait you are always like this...never mind, I  said what took you so long" Daniel had already ordered another plate for himself and hope even though he ate both their own "I was interrupted by the dark forces that loomed the earth" hope picked her shortbread and shoved into her mouth "I'm not even going to ask" as Daniel was about to munch into his 3rd shortbread prom queen walked up to them "hey" she purred..I think..."um hi" Daniel looked wearily at hope who was happily tapping her phone "I'm camille" she purr- I can't even lie again she sounded like she was crying for help "and I-
"Don't give a fuck but no one asked" hope murmured loud enough for Daniel to hear and chuckle and  maybe even the dog whisperer camille to hear.
"I'm daniel" he flashed prom queen a charming smile "is this your friend she looks so lovely" hope chocked on her fat "I love your dress sense" camille directed at hope thought as she recalled this same girl calling her "fatty".

"We need to go now I have an appointment with my bed" hope dragged her friend away from the devil incarnate, outside then inside his car. Daniel's laughter filled the air "what is your problem" Daniels smile spread to her like malaria in Africa "I don't know Danny..I don't know"

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