Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
(Wow a double update! Thanks Theabellu101 for your support!)
"You know princess, I wasn't to sure about you at first, but I think we're going to be great friends," Diane grinned and Elizabeth blushed lightly. They were sitting next to Elizabeth in the school's infirmary where nurses were fussing over all of them. After Meliodas took out that other boy (they learned later his name was Ruin), teachers had come running. They'd escorted everyone conscious to the principle's office, and everyone else to the infirmary. The principle hadn't been all that happy, until he learned Diane and Meliodas were just protecting his boss's daughter. So he let them go, and as an added bonus even pardoned Ban, Diane and Meliodas's friend who had claimed to have helped them, from his week long suspension.

"O-oh! But of course Ms. Serpenvy!" Elizabeth stuttered smiling happily "but please, don't call me by that stupid nickname, Elizabeth is fine."

"Alright then you can just call me Diane!" the brunette grinned and Elizabeth nodded happily.

"Okay then, Diane!"


Elizabeth and Diane became extremely good friends within the period of the next week. They talked about almost everything, from boys to school to hair. Diane had become another seemingly permanent fixture in Elizabeth's life and Diane wasn't the only one. Ban had decided to join their table after the principle incident and where Diane went, her friend Harlequin (more commonly known as 'king') followed. Even Hawk, Meliodas's adopted pink haired little brother, had joined them. Soon Elizabeth had a whole group of wonderful new friends! Life should have been great, but Elizabeth still felt odd around her new friends. She couldn't help but feel uneasy, she was terrified that this would be just like the 'Vivian Incident' as she had named it. She tried not to get to close to their little ragtag gang of (surprisingly) dangerous criminals. (Who knew Liones Academy had so many!). But she couldn't help but to feel particularly close to Diane and Meliodas, they seemed to always be there for her. Inside and outside of the lunch room. Still, Elizabeth wasn't sure she could trust any of them, not even Meliodas and Diane. Uncertainty filled her thoughts battled by the voice of positive reasoning. As she walked home from school, she continued to argue with herself, was her fear of being hurt really so strong that she'd rather pull away from these seemingly friendly people just so she didn't have to risk betrayal?

    Still absorbed by her own thoughts, Elizabeth mindlessly unlocked the front door and entered her home. She was just about to kick off her shoes when she realized how quiet it seemed, and that the lights were off.

"Margaret?" she called out "Veronica?" her calls were only met by silence and then a piercing scream.

"Elizabeth run!" Margaret shouted panic flooding her voice.

"What? Margaret, what- what's going on?" Elizabeth asked taking a step forward only to see a faint figure dressed in black, holding a gun pointed at her. She backed up, stumbling against the door. There was a gunshot and a bullet implanted itself into the door, right next to her head. Elizabeth let out a startled scream as she jumped away.

"Don't move!" commanded an angry voice. Elizabeth's heart started to beat faster and faster, adrenaline pouring into her veins. Every muscle was tensed and ready to run but her mind was frozen.

"Run Elizabeth!" Margaret shouted again snapping Elizabeth out of her panicked daze. She bolted, opening the door and throwing herself out into the open air. She heard the man swear under his breath as he started shooting at her. Elizabeth dodged and weaved hoping to make herself a harder target to hit. Elizabeth ran and ran, not stopping for even a moment. Her legs ached and her breaths came in short, soft gasps as her lungs screamed. She kept running, fear keeping her legs moving, her mind going a mile a minute as her sister's words repeated in her head.

Run Elizabeth.


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