Chapter 4

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after breakfast CNU drove both Jun, and me to the daycare since I had to open up this morning, I had to be there earlier than the others, and it would be a waste if he had to drive twice to take me, and then later take Jun, so I told him I don't mind looking after him

I locked open the doors to the place, and walked hand in hand with Jun we went in, and I went to open the curtains Jun followed my lead, and started opening them as well I smiled at the cute scene of him doing what I am doing

"Junhyun-ah are you having fun?" I asked watching him use all his strength to push open the one side of the curtain

"Ne, it's fun, see I'm a big boy I can open these," he said jumping up, and down before returning to opening the other side

After a few minutes, everything was open, and I got out the toys, and soon after setting everything up, I took a seat on one of the sofas Jun cam, and sat right next to me

"Ms. Hyera," he said in a faint voice

"Ne, Junhyunnie"

"Thank you, for being there... my mommy, and daddy have to work away a lot so I usually stay with my grandma, and grandpa but since uncle wasn't very busy, and he missed me I am staying with him, he is somewhat of a mess sometimes, and quite slow as well, but now you're here, and I don't feel as sad, and lonely anymore"

I looked at his little face it was somewhat filled with mixed emotions of sadness, and happiness he then suddenly hugged me "I love you Ms. Hyera don't ever leave me please."

My heart softened at his words I loved this little boy since I got here for the reason that he was timid, and didn't speak to the others he didn't want to play with them either but after a while, he opened up to everyone here, and captured my heart

"Junhyun-ah I love you too I won't leave you I promise arraso," I said petting his hair

"Awwww what a cute scene" I heard Yoojungs oh so familiar voice echo through the place

"Good morning Yoojung eonnie, Junhyunnie go greet Ms. Yoojung"

Jun let go, and ran to her hugging her, and then came back, and sat next to me

"You two seem to get along better after last night what happened?"


"Ms. Hyera is living with my uncle after he saved her last night" I looked at him shocked

"Junnie you saw that I thought you were asleep?"

He shook his head "no I woke up because of uncle's screaming; he kicked those guys for trying to hurt you he was your knight in shining armor."

I felt my cheeks redden a bit Yoojung looked confused, and her expression explained she wanted to know what going on

"Oh hello you two I thought I might be a bit too early, but it seems I'm not" one of the kid's moms walked in

"Now Nari-ah play nice with your friends today okay? Eomma will be back after work to pick you up."

"Ne eomma," the little girl said the lady left after handing us her daughter bag

"Nari-ah why don't you go play with Junhyunnie while we talk a bit hmm," Yoojung said to the little girl she nodded excitedly, and ran to Junhyun they smiled at one another, and ran off together to the play area where we could still keep an eye on them

"So care to explain what Jun was talking about?"

"Uh well his uncle got lost on the way here so when he got here it was already an hour after closing time he took Jun but Jun was sleeping he offered to take me home but I declined I walked home, and got cornered by some creeps who were trying to have their way with me, his uncle showed up just in time, and kicked their butts he took me home after that but turns out the building I lived in is being demolished so I got put out of my apartment last night his uncle was still there when it happened, and told me to stay with him I wanted to protest but he didn't want to budge, and kept insisting that I should go with them"

"So basically you're living there because he didn't want to take no for an answer, and he saved you as well? Hyera-ah I think your parents sent you a guardian to protect and take care of you."

"Huh, you think so? Maybe I'm not sure, but Jun had a weird dream this morning he said he dreamt I was marrying his uncle."

"Well you know they say kids tell the truth? Maybe you are going to marry him."

"Yeah, he is way out of my league... I mean how can a poor girl like me ever marry a rich, good-looking guy like him."

"Oh so he is good looking? When can I meet him? Seems like an all-rounder you got here... good looking, a hero, caring enough to help a complete stranger, and rich, I want one where can I find one?"

"He isn't mine eonnie, and he probably never will be" it somewhat made me sad when I realized he won't ever be mine I didn't like him don't think I do but even if I did, he is too perfect for a nobody like me...

"If you say so my dear little Hyera-ah."

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