Chapter 9

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After finally catching Gongchan, and smacking him senseless we finally went on some rides it was quite fun, and the park was surprisingly quiet as well...

When lunch came around, we picked two people to get some food for us, and guess what? It was Cnu, and me, we went to the cafe in the park, and stood in line when we finally got to the front the cashier smiled at us, after placing our orders she smiled once again

"You two make such a cute couple" she stated

"W-we ar-ar-" I stuttered flustered only to be cut off by Cnu

"Why thank you she is beautiful, I'm lucky to have her" which made me drop my jaw in shock and made the cashier go aww

When we finally got our orders, we went outside "why did you say that?" I asked him

"Well, I possible would like to have-" he was cut off when we heard our friends yell for us to hurry up, what was he going to say?


We sent Hyera, and Cnu hyung off on purpose we had to plan well, and go over some details which they can't know about

"Okay so the Ferris wheel we suggest going on it, and make them get on first, and then we don't get on," I said smiling evilly

"I hope this plan of yours is going to work because I want a warning the next time I walk in on a scene like this morning" Sandeul hyung whined

"What scene? What did you see?" Jinyoung hyung asked curiously, Sandeul hyung took out his phone, and unlocked, and started searching for something

"This scene" he states as he showed us the picture of the two of them snuggling in bed, it looked so cute honestly they should just get married already, and make babies

We saw them coming out the cafe, but they were talking when they both stopped I wondered what going I but since we had to stay on our little plan, we hurried them so they could bring our food so we can go on with the plan

When we were done eating, we practically dragged the two of them to the Ferris wheel pushing them into a cart together and watching as they go


they just pushed us into a cart so we can't protest, they are all acting strange, this is really awkward since Ferris wheels are seen as romantic to go on with your crush, and confess but we both just sat in silence until we got back to the ground

"So did anything happens up there you know like a kiss or something? Maybe a confession? Gongchan asked me as we made our way over to the haunted house

"You sound like someone who just came out of a drama so cliché really, a kiss at the top of a Ferris wheel Gongchan? If you need to know there was this thing one called an awkward silence."

"Aish that is not what was supposed to happen" he whined as we entered the yard for the haunted house


"Okay, we will be playing a little game to get into teams of two, and the last loser will go in alone, or the last three can go in together" I stated I looked at the others signing to go with Plan B which was make them go in there together

As planned, the two of them got in a team together, and Sandeul hyung got to go with Jinyoung hyungs sister, and Baro Jinyoung, and me decide to head in together, even if they didn't kiss before we can still make them go together I mean a good scare will ring them closer right? Even if it's just a touch right?

Hyera, and Hyung entered. First, Hyera seemed somewhat nervous but still managed to smile when hyung reassured her it would be okay


We headed into the building right from the beginning I was scared I was freaking out when the first ghost popped out of nowhere I grabbed hold of Cnu's arm hoping everything will be okay

As we went on, it got worse I was shaking in fear I could hardly breathe at this point we were about halfway through when I just stopped in my tracks I needed a chance to rest Cnu turned around, and looked at me his face showed signs of worry, and affection (?)

Why affection? I don't understand he has been acting weird today as well, was there something I missed along the way? I'm not sure I'm just confused

He suddenly grabbed my hand, and dragged me into a room he pushed me against the wall not hurting me luckily, and started deeply into my eyes

"What I was saying earlier at the cafe was, I wouldn't mind having you as my girlfriend, I really like you Hyera wait for scratch that I love you, and those idiots out there are trying to get me to confess to you, so I'm doing it I understand if you don't like me but I had to tell you"

I looked at him in disbelief, and the pinched myself yelping in pain

"This is real it's not a dream, I'm not dreaming am I you just confessed," I said half dazed

"I did" he stated

"Then you won't mind if I give you an answer right?" I asked him, and he nodded I muttered a good under my breath, and pulled him closer since he was much taller than me

"Is this going where I think it's going" I nodded as I tried to move closer, why did he have to be this tall? Seeing em struggle he bent down to my eye level he looked at me for a few seconds before he crashed his lips onto mine

I was shocked for a few seconds but responded when I came to my senses, a great place for a first kiss... a haunted house

Let Me Love You//A B1A4 fanficWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt