Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

After totally devouring four and a half slices of pizza (the extra half on account of Lime, who is notorious for being able to obtain food in any way possible), two knobs of garlic bread, and more cinammon sticks than both my parents combined, I sat in my room looking at the photo.

There was just something about it that was nagging at me. I assumed that I must be going crazy, since it seemed to be a simple, innocent picture. After all, what could be mysterious about six five year olds? Nothing, I assured myself. I glanced at the photo one last time before turning to my phone to see what everyone was doing.

After responding to all 52 texts, I sighed and relaxed in my chair.

So this was it. The summer before tenth grade. The summer when everything was supposed to change. Of course, that's what they say in every cliche teen novel, isn't it? You just wait, this one's different.

According to my best friend Katie, this summer we were supposed to "become the hot people we're supposed to be", In her mind, this means that we should get super cute boyfriends (or at least get our crushes to notice us), overthrow Sarah Belk as most popular girls in school, and still look dazzling as we do it.

However, my parents have other plans. These include taking courses at our lovely Key West Community College and getting a part-time job at my dad's business firm. I can't explain to them enough that summers are so that you can have a break from school. My mom works at the local elementary teaching fifth grade, so she really values the importance of grades. My dad wants me to take the family company when he passes it to me, so for now I'll be running errands for the big-time salespeople and learning about the company. Like I don't already know- my first education was practically Business 101.

I just couldn't make them see that what I really wanted to do- act professionally and go into public relations. I wanted to travel, not be stuck in some small tourist town for the rest of my life. I just needed to get my parents to realize that.


Hey guys! I'm sorry these first few chapters are kind of boring, but it all relates I promise you!

This chapter is dedicated to melmel1361 because she is amazing!


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