Chapter Four

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"Oh my god, I'm in heaven," Katie sings out as she takes a bite of her pepperoni pizza.

We're at Dave's (again) after the meet, celebrating everyone's victories. Rocky, Matt, and I are all going to championships, but Shred didn't make it. Kate doesn't even swim, but as my best friend and Shred's new girlfriend (eep!), she's also here.

"So Liz, how's your life been lately? I haven't seen much of you since school ended," Shred asks.

"Oh, you know, the usual. Swim practice, stupid internship, stupid college course," I groan.

"Oh, that's right!" Rocky cuts in.

"I thought you told your parents you didn't want to do the course or the internship?" Kate questions with a confused look on her face.

"Kate, you know them. They act like they're listening, but just end up making me do it anyway," I sigh.

The guys share a conspiratorial look over the table.

"If only we could get you away from here..." Shred says as the corners of his mouth tug up.

"Oh no no no. You guys, my parents would kill me!" I exclaim.

"You are not taking her anywhere!" Kate joins in. " I don't want to be alone for the rest of the summer!"

"Relax, babe, you've got me," Shred says, slinging his arm over the back of the booth and pulling Kate close. She lets out a happy giggle.

Matt leans over the table. "You guys, I have really big news."

Everyone turns their attention to my best friend, who gives us each a conspiratorial smile over the table. "You know that VW bus we have parked in the back of the BikePlace?"

Of course everyone nods; we all know about the bus, why wouldn't we? It's all Matt ever talks about! He wants to fix up the bus and go on a road trip together senior year. The problem is, old bus parts are super expensive.

"Well Artie agreed that if I went to regionals and placed, he'd buy the equipment and help me fix it up!"

We all cheer and clap; we're as excited about this as Matt is.

"Wait," Rocky stops us for a moment. "In order for Artie to let you renovate the bus, you have to place in regionals."

Matt begins to nod, but then a look of recognition appears on his face.

"And there are only three places." He slumps against the seat, looking defeated.

Kate and I look back and forth confusedly between the boys, who are all in deep thought. Rocky looks as though he has to make a very hard decision, Matt looks defeated and worried, and Shred is looking between them with a look of brotherly concern.

"Okay, and the problem is...?" I start for them. I mean, I'm not exactly sure how the mood changed so quickly.

Shred pulls out his blue iPhone and begins to type, leaning forward. He shows me the screen.


1. Dean Xaviers

2. Max Lopez

3. Brian Rydel

4. Matt Surwell

5. Mario Riviera

I lean back into the booth. "Matt's fourth," I say.

"Yeah," Shred replies, passing his screen to Kate. "And Brian over here's in the number three spot," he says, jerking his thumb toward Rocky.

Kate looks up. "Oh."

"Yeah, oh." I reply.

"Hey, you guys, don't worry! It'll all be okay!" I say, turning to the guys.

"Yeah, I guess," Matt's face is sullen as he nudges me to get out of the booth. Rocky follows him, and they head out the door and to their separate ways.

I turn to Shred and Kate, who are looking concernedly after them.

Kate voices my thoughts. "What are we going to do?"


Heyyyyy everyone!

Some drama-ish stuff I guess? What do you think's going to happen? Comment!

Note: I'm super sorry if anyone's getting bored with my swim stuff, I'll try to keep the confusing swim details to a minimum! If you're really confused, Google is your friend!

aLso, I'll be needing some red-haired actors for my cast list soon! Comment some please? (not Rupert Grint although he's fabulous but I've already used him oops lol XD)


Just for A SummerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora