The Teleportation Calculation (Part 3)

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One day, Louie and Webby were walking together when they found a phone that seems different from all the phones. They pressed some random numbers and found themselves on a different world. Louie said "Where are we?" Webby replied "I do not even know". Just then, a very good magician appeared on them. Louie and Webby jumped in fear and they said "WHO ARE YOU?!" And the magician replied "I am the most good magician in history. I can make every magic that is impossible or possible like very many gold and jewel appearing!" Then the two replied "Oh ok. can you teach us all the magic tricks you know?" Then the magician replied "Oh yes, but it will take about 3 years, but you can learn all of them just that long if you are very hardworking." (They are about 16 years old and 3 years on that world takes 2 weeks in the real world oh and there is 5 months of a year in that world so it is very fast year.) Then the two said "Ok, CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!" 

*THREE MAGICAL YEARS LATER* (Oh and now they know how to calculate back to the real world.)

"Ok thanks for helping us in this world! we are really living in the world of ordinary ducks, not the ducks that can fly or swim because we are like a human." The two said afterwards the finish of the training to a very good magician duck. (Oh and that guy was a duck that is like a human too.) And they wrote something on a note and gave their last bye and calculated their way back home. The thing wrote in the note says 'Keep this important note, these are from your friends, Louie and Webby. We would like to thank you for what you teach us about. Bye.' Then once they are back something magical happened. They noticed they have magical shirts! (Webby has a magical skirt because she's a girl.) And they were given magical sticks like those of a magician. They hid it in their rooms until they finally show it and made Uncle Scrooge's money bank full. And whether they like to be together alone, they teleported themselves into a room with all the things they need and those don't became rotten. They would like to go there if they want to pull themselves into a kiss or other things lovely.


Duck Tales 2017 - Louie X WebbyWhere stories live. Discover now