The Best Place On Earth

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They said Hawaii was coolest place, the very best place on earth.
They told her to go to Hawaii, on the sandy beaches she could surf.
So she packed her bag and off she went, on a journey.
To meet the ocean and bury her feet in a beach ever so sandy.

But it didn't feel right, and they told her to fly to Paris.
It should've felt right, where thousands have had their first kiss.
The most romantic place ever but that didn't do the trick.
It still felt, to her, as if her heart had a hole that leaked.

So she came back home, jet lagged, exhausted from all the travelling.
She didn't find a man to cure her loneliness or get her a pretty ring.
But as she collapsed on her bed, she realised what she did wrongly.
Why had she gone on such journeys, travelling pointlessly.

For the best place was not Paris, Hawaii or even Rome.
She smiled to herself for the best place on earth was home.

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