Chapter 8

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Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. What did I just do? I leaned against my bedroom door and slid to the ground. I just kissed Austin.  The guy I have a crush on.  My teacher. Oh my god. Shit. I took my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans and texted Justin, telling him to come over. I rested my head in my hands and weaved my fingers through my hair, taking deep breaths to calm down.

Eventually there was a knock on the front door and some footsteps up the stairs. I stood up and opened the door to Justin whose hand was raised in a fist, as if to knock. I fist bumped him and went to sit on my bed.

“So why did you wake me up at 11am, the day after an amazing party when you know I’m going to have the hangover from hell?” I rolled my eyes,

“So I guess you got laid last night?”

“Hell yeah.”

“Top or bottom?”

“Do you see me limping?” I laughed at Justin’s openness. “Anyway, back to the point. Why did you want me to come over? Dude, are you pregnant?” I frowned.

“Justin, this isn’t fanfiction. Guys can’t get pregnant.” Justin poked his tongue out as he sat down in front of me at the foot of the bed. “Well, after I went outside, you were being grinded on, I called Austin to pick me up because I was a mess, and my parents would have killed me if I’d come back in that state.” I then went on to recount everything that had happened between then and the car journey back. “When he pulled up outside my house, he said he’s do anything for his, and I quote, ‘favourite ginger’. I was so caught up in the moment that I kissed him and then sprinted back in the house and texted you.” Once I was finished, Justin just sat there and stared at me.

“Wow.” He breathed. “I wasn’t expecting that. Did he kiss you back?” I shook my head.

“I didn’t give him the chance to.”

“I think you need to meet up with him and talk about this. By the time Monday comes around it’s going to be awkward as hell between you two, and I’m probably going to be caught in it.” I shoved his shoulder and grinned.

“Thanks Just, you always know what to say.” He grinned and held his hand out. I gave him a blank look.

“Give me your phone, I know that if I let you arrange a meeting in your own time, you’ll never send the text.” I slid my phone out of my pocket and handed it to him, I knew he was right. He quickly typed out a message and showed it to me before pressing send.

Hey Austin, I think we need to talk... Meet me in the cafe next to the church at 2pm – Alan

His reply was almost instantaneous.

I agree, sounds good – Austin

I sighed and took my phone back, placing it on my dresser.


Justin stayed until 1:45pm helping me sort out a half decent outfit, that didn’t make me look like an immature 5 year old. I went with my Slipknot tank and black skinnies and maroon Toms. Apparently Austin was a fan of Slipknot too.

I pulled into the parking lot of the cafe and slammed my door. I checked my hair in the wing mirror and set off towards the cafe. Walking in I spotted Austin in the back corner hidden behind a pillar.

“Hey.” I said, sliding into the seat opposite him.

“Hi Alan. I ordered you a hot chocolate, hope you don’t mind? They do the best ones here.” I grinned and wrapped my hands around the drink warming them up a little. “So, uhm, what did you want to talk about?”

“Us.” I said, deciding not to beat around the bush. “I like you and you like me. If we were in any other situation, one of us would have asked the other out by now.” He nodded silently agreeing. I ran my finger around the rim of my mug before taking a sip. “I was wondering what the legalities would be if we were together?”

“It’s illegal. Not just because you’re a minor and I’m not but also, you’re my student Alan. I’m sorry, f I wasn’t risking my job, I would date you in a heartbeat.” My heart fluttered.

“What if there was a way around that? Like, keeping it just between us?” I’ll admit, Justin corrupted me and I had read a Jalex where this situation was possible. I know fanfiction isn’t real world, but things like that were possible… weren’t they?

“I’m sorry Alan, I really am. It’s just- I can’t- I just got this job, it’s my first one out of college. I can’t have a relationship with a student marking me out for the rest of my career. Even if we did try to keep it a secret, you wouldn’t be able to help but let it slip to Justin and we couldn’t meet anywhere other than my apartment which would mean Shayley knowing. I know they both care about us and would never intentionally tell, but they might let it slip. I can’t risk that. I’m sorry Alan, I really am.” I nodded showing I understood. I never had Austin down as one to follow the rules as strictly as he seemed to be implying. I finished my drink and stood up.

“Thanks for the hot chocolate, and uh, talking this over. I get it, we can’t do it. It won’t stop me flirting though,” I shot him one of my signature smirks. “I have to go. Thanks again for the drink, bye Austin. See you on Monday.” I walked out of the cafe and headed back towards my car. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and pulled it out.

Alan, this is Shayley, we need to talk, meet at the park by the apartment.

I got into my car and pulled out of the parking lot heading to the park. 

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