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I read the note outloud to myself. "Hmm lets see her, *Hey cannon ♡ this is Emma! Come to the movies with me? Yes or defiantly yes .circle your answer.* uhhhh ew" was she crazy?!? I have a girlfriend!! I have to snap chat her later. "Conner!Ally!" I yelled out to my older brother and younger sister. "Yeah Cannon?" Conner said "Let's play football!!" I yelled "YEAH!!" Conner and Ally screamed at the same time. I'm so happy to have a real sporty sister. So glad I didn't get a sister like Emma, sassy, annoying, and super girly. Such a fan girl. She is the worst!

---After football and dinner---

"Cannon, want to watch the game?" My dad asked me like he always asks me that. "Nah, I want to take a shower and go to bed.." I replied with a straight face and then I smiled at my dad. "Goodnight!" I said so everyone could hear me. "GOODNIGHT!!" I hear everyone say around the same time.



Ugh I'm a little upset my boyfriend cannon hasn't talked to me all day. I think he likes Emma.........

"SAVANNAH IS THIS YOUR TAMPON IN MY TRASHCAN?!" UH oh that sounds like Liberty " No, ask mom!" I said laughing and running to my room. "ughgrr" I heard Liberty grunt. I turned to my side and called Cannon. 

---phone call---


Savannah~ hey, Uh are you cheating on me?

Cannon~is this liberty? Your there evil twin Liberty!

Savannah~NO. Seriously I know you and Emma have a thing!


I hung up the phone and started to cry a little. I heard a knock on my bedroom door. " hello who is it?" I said wiping my tears."you twin idiot, open up!" I heard Libertys voice. I unlocked the door and she went and sat on my bed "sit!" She demanded "w-what is it? Did someone die?" I said worringly. "No, you know what though." Liberty rolling her eyes. "Is it about Cannon?" I said putting my head down. "Yes, he called me he will be over in ten!" Liberty walked out of the room slamming the door walking out sassy. "WHAT?!" I screamed. Good thing mom and dad were away for a few months. Dad wouldn't let boys in the house. 


*Cannons P.O.V*

Oh my gosh, I'm so upset! She things I like Emma? Like what even? I sing in the car, a couple of girls stared at me an listen to my music at a stop light. I gave them the middle finger and drove off. "Bye suckaz" I yelled. I don't mean to be mean but when family, friends, or my girlfriend get me mad or sad somehow I get all messed up in the brain,

I finally made it to her house U went up to the door. * DING DONG*i rung the door bell an head there dog come barking. I saw a shadow running towards the door. Liberty opened it "AYE BESTIE!" She yelled in my face while her mouth full with pizza. "Okie so where is she, by the way love the outfit!" I said laughing. She wa wearing Adidas sweatpants and a tank top.

"Savannah?" I called her name hoping she would say something or show herself. I just ran up the stairs. But before I went all the way up I hear the door bell. *DING DONG* I turned around to see Colter holding a box. "You came!! I got the movie in already lets enjoys!" Liberty squealed. "Yep I got the sushi and sparkling soda!" Colter said grinning. He looked at me and gave me a smirk with a nod. I noded back. "Liberty your skinny but a big fat pig inside!" I could tell she was offended she got up and went to a closet. "Oh you gonna get it!" I heard Colter laughing with food in his mouth. All a sudden I see Liberty have a bat! Her Harley Quinn bat. But she put it down.???. Uhhh "haha very funny." I mumbled. Everyone was dead silent. Liberty went to the closet again. A few minutes later she comes out in her Halrey Quinn costume and grabs the bat. All a sudden she darts at me. I run into Savannahs room,lock the door, and put my back to it. "Mista let me in!!" Liberty says in her Harley Quinn voice. "Never!" I sounded so greedy. 

"hello?" I turned to see savannah sitting in her bean bag eating chips and tissues everywhere. "Hey babe I wanted to let you know--" she cut me off "tell me that after you unlock the door! I need to watch this go down!" She said eating her chips laughing and spit gping everywhere. "Oh right,anything for you!" I opened the door. Liberty came in I took the bat from her and picked her up and threw her and it out of the window. "OPPS I DIDNT MEAN TO!" I was worried "YOU COULD HAVE KILLED HER AND ITS PITCH DARK OUTSIDE AND WE CANT SEE! UGH THIS IS BAD!I SHOULDVE NEVER OPENED THE WINDOW." Savannah kept blabbering and I realized I'm about to go out the window also. I heard huge footsteps coming! "LIBERTY?!" Colter was there furious!


Sorry this was weird and stuff but oh well. Don't waste your time if you don like it. I'm hoping to get more views,votes,shares,comments, and other things! LUV YA BYEEE

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2017 ⏰

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