Starting to walk

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    It was a beautiful weekend and you want to know what Mami did go witch hunting with you (all the girls can go in to the wards they. Have the same potential as their mothers). You were crawling around in your ribbon bubble and following your mother. You giggled and clap as she shot another familiar. Mami smiled down at you as said "No bad-bad".
     After two more rooms you guys were at the witch's lair. The witch looked like a ballerina made of roses. Mami started to fight keeping all her attention on the witch. She failed to notice the your ribbon bubble popped and the familiar chasing you. Realizing the crawling wasn't doing any good you tumbled to your feet and booked it to your mother foot as she finally killed the witch, no more witch hunts for you.


  Your mamma was laying face down on her pillow crying and you didn't like it. 'Mamma should be happy because she works so hard to save others' little you thought as you scanned the room. On top a pill of books sat a (F/C)  plush (F/A) [Favorite Animal]. You grabbed it but found it to hard to crawl and your mother crys were getting louder to your ears.
   Having enough of it you grabbed on to a part of the dresser and pulled your self up. Taking a few steps forward you fell but you were determined. Getting back you grabbed the plushie and walk over to your mother. You jumped up and pulled on her sleeve. "Huh" Sayaka asked as she looked down at you. You pushed the plushies to her and yelled "Smile". She beamed brighter then you could ever imagine.


    Why she had to go was beyond you but this school place was your wrost emeny. First your Aunts and now your mother. Now you sat with this women who keep trying to get you to watch the 'teletubbies'. The door bell rang so she went to answer it, this was your chance to get out of there.
   Pushing yourself up on unsteady feet you took your first shake steps. As you began to became more steady your pace picked up. You say the lady standing at the door talking to some one and booked it out of there. "Ahh ya little scamp" your mom shouted as you rushed by laughing. She quickly caught up to you and swung you around laughing with you. At her job in a cafe (the others get jobs to so don't worry) she slipped you a burger.


    You sat patiently looking at the door counting the seconds til the bell would ring. Your mom had to bring you to her school because the baby sitter was sick. The tiny uniform they made you wear was uncomfortable in ever aspect. "Aww look at her in her tiny uniform so kawaii~desu" and that was it, you grabbed the leg of a desk pulled yourself up and started to go for the door. A gasp made you stop and slowly turn "she's walking". Oh may Luna help you.


   "Came on (Y/N), came to grandpa" your granpapa called to you. You were slightly confused on what he want you to do. Slowly you stood on your feet and he started to become so happy. That was til you fell and hit your head on the stone flooring. This moment terrified you and you refused to walk.

~la timeskip brought to by Homura being badass~

  You looked around as people were dancing. You really wanted to try but you didn't want to hit your head again. One of the dancers fell but got right back up seemingly unharmed. You felt the floor around you and it was soft. You thought one last time and stood up. Wobbly you started walking along side the wall. "Look look" you heard someone whisper. Turning you were engulfed in a hug by your mamma. You were proud of yourself.

  Hey guys so I want to ask you guys some thing. Can you please follow my friend Wolf who is gonna be writing a lot awesome stories along side me. If you want a quick way to get to her account just go to mine and look at the people I'm following you should see her. She also use a my chemical romance pic please it would mean so much to me. See you later
Puppet out


Madoka magica Daughter scenariosTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon