Meeting Kyubey

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You sat in your play pen messing with the dolls your mom made for you. Looking around you see a strange looking cat (so you throw a pokeball at it... jk). Crawling over you grabbed one of its ears before it starting talk, "I don't know how some so young got your poteint"
You looked at confused not understanding a word. Mami opened the door to see you and Kyubey talking. With a small laugh she picked you up and hand you a bowl of cereal. "Hello Kyubey, I see you met (Y/N)"
Kyubey smiled with a tilt of his head, "it seems I have"


You messed with the star moblie your mom got you when she realized you liked star's. Your little (F/C) onesie was a bit to big for you so the foot grip always feel off. You slipped but instead of hitting to ground Your head hit something soft. "Two children with great potient so young" ,the thing chripped. You sat up and laughed pulling on its ears.
"(Y/N) What are you doing with Kyubey," Sayaka asked as she entered the room",and Kyubey stay away from my child. I don't need her like me risking her life everyday". Sayaka picked you up before heading to work at the nursery.


You were babbling well sitting on a stool in the cafe your mom worked at when Kyubey appeared. You thought he was just a boring old cat and left him alone til he started talking. "Four children who can barely talk with the potential now this is interesting," The cat thing said.
You fell off of the stooland started crawling to your mom not liking the talking kitty. Kyoko picked you up and then saw Kyubey and understood she asked her co-worker to take you to the nursery on her lunch break. Bye bye kitty.


The purple nightmare wouldn't go off the tv screen. You reached for your toy and grabbed Kyubey. Slowly you started rocking yourself back and forth. "Three infants who can become magical girls, and one of them is scared of Barney the purple dinosaur," The toy said. The baby sitter saw you cradling thin air and change the channel to SpongeBob. You let Kyubey go and crawled to the screen.


You tapped to the beat of the music your mama was dancing to. Swaying in a silly way you tried to mimic your mum. You both giggle before Kyubey fell on your mum. "Meow meow" You shouted out pointing to the being as your mum set it on the ground. "Madoka your kid has the potential to become a magical girl right now," Kyubey told Madoka.
"Oh Kyubey that's not happening right now," Madoka told him before booping your nose. You laughed then continued what you original were doing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2019 ⏰

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