Chapter 1

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Rhea's POV

"Fuck yeah babe! Fuck you're so tight!" I hear someone moaning upstairs.

Running up the stairs, I quickly put my ear against the door as I continue to hear more sexual animalistic sounds. Confirming one of my worst nightmares, I know that my boyfriend whom I have been with for 2 long painful years, Dylan, has been fucking some hoe behind my back. In my own house.

"Dylan! I'm coming... yassssss!" I hear some shitty female voice shout.

Without realizing it, I slide into a sitting position with my back against our bedroom door. With my knees against my chest and my head in my knees, I let the tears fall. How could he?!

How the fuck could he do this to me! Two whole motherfucking years of my precious life! All wasted on him! After all the countless times he beat me and left me either badly bruised or broken! My friends told me numerous of times to leave him before he sends me to an early grave but I chose to stick with him. All the times I caught him on the phone talking to some other girls claiming that they were only his 'friends', yeah right.

After a minute or so, I realize that I'm not the one who's supposed to be crying right now. He should.

After my final hiccup, I wipe away my tears and gather myself together as I prepare to barge in on one of the most disgusting things I've viewed in a while.

"Get the fuck out of my house!" I shout at the top of my lungs.

With them both under the covers, I see Dylan still holding onto the redheads hips, thrusting deep into her. Though it can't be that deep since it seems to be the same size as my middle finger when erect. Just so you know, I haven't even touched his little friend down there. I would never! Not in this lifetime, nor the next!

"Right the fucking now!" I screamed emphasizing the now part, with my eyes shut.

"Wait babe, I'm nearly done..." he mumbled as he sucked in a deep breath.

Walking calmly to our; I mean my dresser, I pick up every perfume, spray, lotion, hand cream and even the curling iron and hair straightener, in my left arm. Me being a Latino, you know I ain't about to let this shit slide.

"I! SAID! GET! THE! FUCK! OUT! OF! MY! HOUSE!" I screamed, throwing each item as I say each word.

After hearing Dylan grunt loudly, clearly meaning that he has cum. I start zoning out for a moment as my thoughts start to consume me.

I thought he was the sweetest guy I'd ever met when he first tried to hit on me, when I was still working as a waitress at Nana's Diner. He'd been so nervous and shy, he just seemed so genuine. But obviously that changed when he realized he wasn't as bad as he thought he was.

At first I thought I hit the jackpot. I mean who wouldn't want someone patient, someone who wouldn't rush you into losing your virginity, someone who'd be there when you needed a shoulder to cry on.

But that changed when he learnt that he could have any girl if used his words and charms right. As more girls began to take notice in him, the more he became distant with me and the more he begun to pin the dumbest issues and the littlest problems on me. Which would then result to my unnecessary regular beatings.

But now I'm sick and tired this. I'm sick and tired of him always blaming me when things don't go right in his life. I'm sick and tired of him always pointing his crooked finger at me when he's in the wrong; which believe me, is all the time. I'm sick and tired of me having to kick him in the balls whenever he tries to force me to open my legs for him. I'm sick and tired of waiting for the day he admits to how wrong he has been treating me. I'm just so tired of this toxic relationship! I can't do it anymore. I won't do it anymore!

"I want out." I said calmly and loud enough for Dylan to hear.

Author's Note: I personally hate A/N's. I'll probably only post them if I have something important to say, or when I'm over thinking unnecessarily and need opinions from different perspectives.

So if you see A/N's try to read them, but if you don't just know that I totally understand and know that you and I share something in common😌😹 .

You're the one... (To be continued)Where stories live. Discover now