Chapter 2

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"What the fuck did you say?" He said, sounding a bit on edge.

"You heard me Dylan! He perdido la esperanza! He estado esperando dos años para que te das cuenta de que la forma en que me estás tratando no es justo! Pero ahora sé que eres una causa perdida. ¡No quiero hacer esto más! I want the fuck out!" I shouted.

[I have lost hope! I've been waiting two years for you to realize that the way you're treating me is not fair! But now I know you're a lost cause. I do not want to do this anymore!]

"Oh you want out?" He said as he slowly started walking towards me.

"Yes." I said as he backed me up against the wall and put his arms next to each side of my head, trapping me between him and the wall.

"Dylan, call me later?" The redheaded puta said.

"Yeah, sure... whatever." He replied, turning his head to the side to look at her as she walked out of my room. "What were we talking about again? Oh yeah, you're not leaving me. I love you so much Rhea!" He said.

"Fuck you and fuck the love you claim to have for me! You don't love me! What the fuck was that?!" I shouted matter of factly.

"What do you mean 'You don't love me'?" He asked, clearly trying to mimic my voice.

"There was a time I would've believed that you love me, but that was months ago. I caught you cheating on me!" I said as I started to sob again. "The worst part is that you still continued to fuck her even though you knew that I was in the room. In my room!"

"I'm sorry babe, I just got carried away. I got caught up in the moment. Plus you're never home this early on Friday's. Did Marlon let you out the club early today? " He questioned.

"Don't change the subject! So this has been happening every Friday, huh?" I asked. Dylan nodded his head in confirmation. "How long have you and that little skank of yours been at it?"

"Only this week. See, it hasn't been that long." He said.

"Remember when Nyx claimed to have seen you with your brothers wife , Yasmin at the La Vida hotel?"

"Yeah, that was a month ago." He sighed.

"Was she telling the truth?" I queried.

"Yes, she was." He said as he shut his eyes for a moment.

"We're done." I said as I slid from underneath him and went to sit in the chair near my dresser. "C'mon! Your brothers wife!?"

"Min' has the fittest ass, of course I was gonna hit it." He replied with a proud smirk across his lips as he waltzed across the room to come stand in front of me .

Tlap! I slapped his left cheek with the back of my left hand.

"GET OUT!" I yelled in anger.

"But I love you Rhea, you're all I have." He said pleadingly.

"I'd say I love you too but I'm not sure I even like you. Dylan, please get out." I said softly.

I closed my eyes as I saw him raise his hand. Pain spreads through the right side of my face. He grabbed me by my hair as he dragged me onto the ground. With me underneath him, he threw several punches at my face.

Not being able to stand the pain I croaked out, "Stop, let me go. I haven't done anything to you."

"Oh shut up! I tried to tell you how much I love you but you just won't listen." He sighed sounding tired and sad .

He moved down my body and sat on my tiny thighs as he begun treating my abdomen like a punching bag. The water works just wouldn't stop no matter how much I wanted them to. My tears just kept on flowing.

After a couple more minutes of him beating my face to a pulp, he walked out the door.

Well there goes my appetite for dinner!

I got up from the ground careful not to injure myself more than Dylan has. I walked across into the spare room and rolled onto the bed gently. Curled up into a little ball, I through the blankets on the bed above me hoping to find some peace, comfort, warmth, maybe even eternal sleep.

"I'm sowrrry baby. I don't know what I do without wuu." Dylan slurred as I felt a dip in the bed. He has some nerve waking me up.

"Dylan, I'm trying to sleep." I softly said as memories of what he had done to me just hours ago resurfaced my mind.

"Hmmmmm, D let you sleep. I'll let you sleep." He said to himself as he etched me closer to him. He wrapped his right arm underneath my breast accidental touching some of my injuries as he pulled my backside to him.

I whimpered.

"Please let go, you're hurting me." I said. He let go quickly and I scooted to the other side of the bed trying to keep a great distance between us.

Finally satisfied with the two feet distance between Dylan's form and mine, I let my suicidal thoughts graze my mind just before I bid myself goodnight even though I know it's morning.

I finally return to Lalaland . Letting sleep take over.

It's 9:30 on the dot when I check the time. Stretching, I try to itch the leftover sleep that has me wanting more sleep off. I look to my side to see a not so good looking Dylan laying on the bed with a phone in his hands.

"Hey, sleeping beauty." He whispers as a smile began to form on his face.

"Morning." I said in monotone.

"Ey, I'm sorry about last night Ri." He said as he realized I'm not quite happy today. Who would be?

"Yeah, whatever." I said as I walked out the bedroom and into the separate bathroom.

"Look Ri, I lost control. I know I shouldn't have done what I did to you. I'm sorry. Don't act like you haven't made mistakes. I'm really sorry Rhea." He pleaded as I heard his voice gradually getting louder as he approached the bathroom.

"Yeah that's cool. I know we all make mistakes, the only difference is that we don't keep on repeating our mistakes a couple hundred dozen times." I said, speaking truthfully.

"I know. I promise to change love." He said with a little hope in his eyes as he leaned against the bathrooms wall.

"Yeah right. I hoped you would've changed by now. Go." I said as I closed him out of the bathroom.

You're the one... (To be continued)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя