~ the couch ~

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Olivia's POV

I looked out the fog covered window to see many little rain drops slide against it. I was curled up on the white couch with a nice warm blanket, reading the 5th Harry Potter.

We lived in a studio apartment in New York. I loved the city. Things were so slow back in Derry, there was no city lights, no taxi cabs. I felt a slight chilling breeze hit me when I noticed the door had opened. I looked up from book and saw him. Finn was standing there with a bag of groceries in one hand and his phone in the other.

"Hey Olive." Finn called from the kitchen. I always liked when he called me that. I giggled and said, "Hey finny boy." I smiled and walked into the kitchen to see him unloading the bag of food.

     I was wearing a cute sweater with some high waisted jeans.

     I was wearing a cute sweater with some high waisted jeans

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With some cute glasses

And my hair down, kind of messy

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And my hair down, kind of messy.

    I sat down at the bar stools and grabbed an apple from the bag

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    I sat down at the bar stools and grabbed an apple from the bag. Finn gave me this utterly handsome smirk. I had a goofy grin on my face. After he was done, he went to the living room and sat. I poured myself some more coffee and followed him.

     I set my drink down on the table and curled up next to Finn, wrapped in my blanket. I put my head on his shoulder and continued to read my book. "Watcha readin, nerd?" He chuckled. I pushed up my glasses on the bridge of my nose and put my bookmark in my book. "It's Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix, dumbass." I said, punching his shoulder playfully. 

      He laughed. I set my book down beside me and put my head on his shoulder, again. I listened to the rhythm of the rain drops hitting the side of the window. It was a peaceful day. I suddenly felt a warm hand touch my cold one. I looked up at Finn and he smiled. I pecked his lips and put my head back on his shoulder.

      We weren't dating, even though I wish we were, we just did playfully romantic things. We've known each other since elementary school, and we surprisingly haven't fought ever. I like him, like a lot. He's so nice, loving, caring, oh I could go on forever.

     "So... what are we doing for dinner.?" I asked, feeling his thumb rub against the palm of my hand. "Well I got some soup from the store today.. we can do that if u want." He stated. I nodded my head yes and it went back to complete silence. Not like awkward silence, but more of a comfortable state of quiet.

      I felt my eyes begin to become more heavy, as I drifted to sleep.

    I woke up to the smell of soup filling the apartment. I sat up and rubbed my eyes tiredly. I walked into the kitchen and noticed Finn cooking our dinner. "Oh your up, I didn't want to disturb you, so I let you sleep. You know, I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it." Finn said in a tone like he was reading from a Shakespeare script or something. I chuckled "Oh thank you kind sir." I playfully replied. He chuckled back.

    "Your welcome, my damsel in distress." I giggled. He dished up the soup in bowls and set them on the counter. He walked around to sit by me. "Thank you so much, Finn. You don't know how much this means to me" I thanked. He ate his soup and said, "No problem, my little Olive. And thank you." He said and poked my nose playfully. I loved when he called me his little Olive, that's what made me fall for him.

    We ate our soup in silence. I put my dish in the sink and went into the bedroom. Finn soon followed after. We shared a room with a queen size bed. I know what your thinking, yes we share the same bed but it's not like that. This is our bedroom.

     It was dark outside and it was around 7:30 p

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It was dark outside and it was around 7:30 p.m. I went into the closet and changed into pajamas.

    I got under the covers as Finn switched on the TV

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I got under the covers as Finn switched on the TV. We watched some episodes of Friends and finally it was around 11:30 p.m. I rested my head on my pillow. I was facing away from Finn. I felt his warm body hug mine. We cuddled until I felt my eyes start to droop and I drifted to sleep.

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