~ the clay ~

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Olivia's POV

I woke up the next morning to the sun shining right in my eyes. I sat up to notice Finn was still sleeping. 'I'll let him sleep.' I thought and got up to change, even though I didn't want to. I needed to go to the store later in the day. I put on a white and black picnic blanket- like patterned shirt with some boyfriend jeans, a couple rings,

 I put on a white and black picnic blanket- like patterned shirt with some  boyfriend jeans, a couple rings,

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(Minus the extra stuff like the phone case, backpack, notebooks, and glasses)

(Minus the extra stuff like the phone case, backpack, notebooks, and glasses)

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And my glasses. (imagine their black today)

I walked to the bathroom and did my makeup. I put my hair in a messy bun and went back to the bedroom. I sat down and read my book. I heard Finn groan and sit up. "Morning sleepyhead." I teased as I ruffled his messy black locks. He rubbed his eyes and smiled at me. "I see your up. How'd you sleep?" He asked as he put his head on my shoulder and snuggled next to me. I internally screamed with joy.

"Warm, how bout u?" I asked as I set my book on my nightstand. "Same. And by the way you have really soft pajamas." He stated and looked at me. I blushed "Thanks." I giggled. We held hands and just laid there, in silence. I  then heard a knock at the door. I got up and walked to the door.

Surprisingly, it was Ms. Berry. She's the lady who lives downstairs and runs a pottery studio. "Hi Olivia. I am going on Holiday to Paris for a week and I was wondering if you and Finn would mind keeping a watch on my studio?" She said in her British accent. I smiled and said, "We'd be delighted to." She smiled back "That's wonderful. The hours are 8 a.m to 6 p.m. Also, I still have some extra stuff I still have to sell. And you're welcome to make your own stuff too." She exclaimed and clutched her brown purse. She had her suitcase on the ground.

"Ok, that's great. Fun fact, I took a ceramics for two years when I was in middle school so I know the basics." I stated. "Oh even better. Well, bye now." She exclaimed and walked away. I shut the door and went back to the bedroom. I sat back on the bed and rest my head on Finn's shoulder.

       "So Olive, who was that? You're new boyfriend?" He teased. I giggled. "No it was not my new boyfriend. It was the lady who lives downstairs. And besides, I don't have a boyfriend." I said, holding his hand. He blushed."Ugh, what'd she want?" He groaned playfully. I laughed. "She wants us to take care of her studio for a week. And before you complain, I want you to know that it'll be fun." I stated. He shot up from his pillow. It looked like he was about to argue or complain but then smirked.

He winked and smiled at me. I blushed. "What?!" I yelled laughed. "Oh I just have something in mind when we work together, in the shop." He had this mischievous smile on his face. For a second I was thinking sex but why would he want to do it with me? Personally I'm still a virgin and I knew he wasn't.

He's talked about his problems and stuff with me before, including having sex with another girl. My heart hurt just thinking about it.

I playfully shoved him and he grinned a goofy grin which I love. But then he started being a dork. "Oh Liv, oh oh fuck me hard." He said making moaning noises. I kept shoving him, us both on our knees. He kept shoving me back. I fell on the bed and he fell on top of me. We stood there in silence for a minute, only our pants and wheezes filling the room. We both blushed and he got off of me.

He cleared his throat and walked to the kitchen. I looked at my phone and it was almost 8:00. 'Shit I better tell Finn we have to go downstairs in like.. 15 mins.' I thought as I ran to the kitchen. "Woah there horsie, slow down there." He said and smirked.

"Finn, go get dressed! We have to be downstairs by 8, it's 7:45!" I exclaimed. "Oh shit, ok umm. I'll go get dress then." He said as he quickly poured his cereal and ran to the bedroom. I quickly put away the milk and Lucky Charms (they're magically delicious!!! 😂)

We had been in the shop for a while and me and Finn were bored. We had gotten a couple of customers through out the day, but right now it's just kinda slow. It's 5:30, so I guess we should be closing up the store soon. "Hey Finn, do you want to make some stuff?" I asked, looking out of the window. "Like what?" He asked in a clearly bored out of his fucking mind tone.

"Like bowls and vases and shit, out of clay." I stated, getting up from my seat. I walked over to grab some clay and put it on the electrical turner thingy.

(If you don't know what that is, here's a pic ⬇️ pretend it's electrical)

(If you don't know what that is, here's a pic ⬇️ pretend it's electrical)

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     I wet my hands and started working. Finn sat there kind of staring at me and then I noticed he got up from his seat and came around to me. He was behind me and wrapped his arms around to help me. Our hands were touching and it was just nice. This is a moment I won't forget.

     I grabbed a piece of clay, turned around , threw it at Finn. I laughed and he made this dumb look on his face. He grabbed a piece and threw it at me. He laughed as well. "Hey!! This is a new shirt!!" I yelled as I ran around the room. Soon, it was a clay fight.

     Let's do all the stupid shit that young kids do - 8TEEN by Khalid. (Fun fact, I was actually listening to this song while I was writing this part)

     I was tired and decided to lean on the counter. We were both laughing hysterically, you would've probably thought we were mentally insane. He came over to me and looked me in my eyes. I was internally swooning by his handsomeness. I stared at him as cupped my cheek with his hand and wiped away some of the clay off my face. I held his hand and he pulled me closer.

     The space between us closed in and our faces were basically inches apart. I looked up at him, since he's taller than me, and leaned in. He closed his eyes and kissed me. When our lips touched, sparks flew. I kissed back and he cupped my face with his hand. I knew he was right for me.

YO YO YO!! Wow this chapter is almost 1200 words!!! WTF!!!
I absolutely loved writing this chapter, it made me sooo happy.

    Have a great day,
          Abby :)

pottery ~ f.w + o.m ~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant