Part 46: Reset

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Natasha braced herself. There was nothing she could do to stop the falling building, she’d frozen up. She knew that she could do amazing things - but those amazing things seemed to be limited to controlling the power of the earth beneath her feet. And she was new to all of this, so new that in this instance when her life was in danger she couldn’t call on her instincts like her husband - she just froze and looked up at the mass of an entire skyscraper looming over her.

She’d watched Soran and a laughing Vittoria fall through the ground as if it were liquid as Soran raced to try and save her life. But now that he was gone there was no hope for her, what use was she against concrete, glass and steel falling from thousands of meters above?

She closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable.

But instead of the pressure and pain of concrete falling on her head she heard an unusual rushing sound and a pair of hands grab her waist. Her eyes sprang open and she saw her husband’s face - eyes sunken with fatigue, pale and soaking wet. His skin was cold to the touch and he looked battered and bruised. In the few seconds that she registered all these things about him he twisted on the spot, pulling Natasha with him. There was a rushing of wind towards them and the air pressure changed as Soran pulled and twisted space-time, displacing them both and pulling his wife away from her close brush with death.

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