How you meet

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Carl: you were at the electronic store looking at a new camera that you wanted to buy, Then someone ran into you "what the bloody hell was that for"
"Sorry about that I'm Carl",said the man that ran into me, "it's fine sorry for swearing at you"

Farmer Chris: your parents brought you a farm close to civilisation but not to close and you were feed your horses when you realised that your clydesdale witch was named Niklaus wasn't in the pen as you looked around you sore him on the other side of the fence "Niklaus what are you doing on that side of the fence and don't argue with me " as you finished going off at Nik you sore someone coming towards the fence, it was the owner of the farm next door the one where Nik is "is he your horse?" You replied with a yes "alright well let's get him back over the fence but that means we need to make a hole in the fence" "that's alright with me as long as he can get through" (time skip)
I'm Chris but my friends call me farmer Chris " I'm y/n nice to meet you farmer Chris"

Tristan: you were siting on your board waiting for some waves and a board came out of no where and hit you in the head knocking you out, as I wake up i hear voices, is she alright, would you be if you got hit in the head with a surf board, well no but I was just asking, both of you shut up and think, then I say " why the bloody hell did I get hit with a board do you not know how to use one " ohh she has teeth, " yeah and il rip your balls off with my teeth if you not careful" sassy I like it, I'm Tristan, this is Ben, Elliot, Chris and Georgina
"Hello mister handsome" thanks are you alright tho "yeah I'm fine just hold on next time " alright Tristan said shaking my hand il see you around " il look forward to seeing you again "

Elliot: Iv got a date with a guy named elliot and he acts like a complete dickhead and Iv only been here five minutes " fuck you I'm leaving your disgusting" walking out and going to your car " wait I'm sorry he yells " il text you later I said as I drove off" (time skip)
Y/n: Elliot if you weren't such a god damn pig the date wouldn't of screwed up
Elliot: what ever you simple bitch
Y/n: your a peace of shit don't ever talk to me again

Ben: your brother Tristan called and asked for help with a prank and you being a the pranking queen and being famous on YouTube you said yes, you pull up to a office looking building so you text him
Y/n: tris where are you I'm here
Just as I sent that text he walks towards my car, hey sis be said giving me a hug, hey tris where we going; bc I noticed that we had worked up a flight of stairs, I want you to meet my friend Ben, as a man comes over and says, hello I'm Ben you must be Tristan's sister the pranking queen,(shakes his hand), yep that's me I was told you need my help,

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