He askes you out

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(I'm going back the way I normally write but will mix it)

I was sitting at Costa and noticed the man from the electronic store walking in I kepted my head down just so he wouldn't see me but my hopes falled
Carl: hey y/n do you mind if I join you
Y/n: not at all sit
Carl: *sits* so what have you been up to 
Y/n: nothing much, you?
Carl: been cameraman for my friend
Y/n: sounds interesting *actually smiling*
Carl: I do have one problem tho
Y/n: what's that
Carl: well I like someone and I'm not sure how to tell them
Y/n: aww cute describe him or her to me
Carl: it's a girl, we only met a few days ago but I'm in love
Y/n: Carl if you love someone don't let anything hold you back its your life
Carl: thanks for that, wanna play a game?
Y/n: sure
Carl: what is the opposite stop
Y/n: go..?
Carl: in
Y/n: out...?
Carl: against
Y/n: with..?
Carl: you
Y/n: me....wait, of course I will
Carl: great meet you here tomorrow same time as today even tho it was a surprise
Y/n: sure *kisses him on the check and walks out*

Niklaus keeps getting out somehow and Iv checked the fences for holes but none of them are big enough for him to even get through, tho I think I know where he is, there's a female horse on the farm next door, as I was thinking Chris from next door came over to the fence.
Chris: y/n did Nik get out again
Y/n: yeah,why
Chris: bc he's in my field with my horse
Y/n: sorry he just keeps getting out
Chris: it's alright he can come over any time he likes, can I ask you something
Y/n: yeah ..?
Chris: wanna go out to dinner some time
Y/n: sure, you already have my number so ring me or text when
Chris: alright want Nik back in now or
Y/n: nah let him walk around for now

I just watched the video Elliot's brother uploaded and I feel bad bc it wasn't his fault the date went badly but I don't think he wants to talk to me but il try,
(Texts him)
Y/n: I'm sorry about the other day I just saw the video your brother posted
Elliot: really
Y/n: yeah but I'm willing to give you another chance
Elliot: great, pub?
Y/n: yeah il meet you there
Once the date was done you both went on a walk out side and we're just talking and holding hands
Y/n: at least this time didn't get messed up by your brother pranking you
Elliot: true, I know this may be a little early but will you be my girlfriend
Y/n: sure

Walking along the beach with a towel and the Tristan came up behind you
Y/n: don't do that it scares me
Tris: sorry, can I ask you something
Y/n: yeah
Tris: if you liked someone would you go up and ask them out or
Y/n: go straight for it don't let someone hold you back at least then you know if the person likes you
Tris: alright, be my girlfriend
Y/n: oh sure

You've been friends for a week and doing lots of pranks with Ben and the others and some of your own and you were on Ben's phone looking at some of the comments on his video that you two did together and some where saying something like this
~omg the pranking queen and the King are working together😍~
Others were like
~I ship them~
~i wonder when they will get together as a couple bc they would be so cute together 😍😈👫~
And you blushed reading them just as you finished reading Ben walks in
Ben: were you on my phone?
Y/n: no (trying to look innocent but smiles) maybe
Ben: naughty girl *sits down in chair*
Y/n: *runs over and jumps on him* what you doing
Ben: I'm looking at restaurants
Y/n: what for ? Got a girlfriend have you
Ben: no but I'm about to
Y/n: ...ok then *goes back to her chair*
Ben: did you have to move now my lap is cold
Y/n: you'll live princess, are we doing any more pranks this week or
Ben: no just vlogs for now
Y/n: wanna do notifications shout outs or
Ben: sure
(Does them)
Ben: they all say the same thing really
Y/n: Ik I saw that
Ben: *sets up camera *
Y/n: what you doing
Ben: be my girlfriend
Y/n: sure (jumps into his arms )

Brofos imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora