Challenging Yourself

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Writing is just like art, in the way that it can always be improved upon. Have you ever published a story and then a week later noticed a ton of missed mistakes and been embarrassed? if so, don't worry that happens to everyone. I like to go back over completed stories after some time to strengthen the story and fix any new issues I find.

One way to challenge your self is to work on fleshing out your characters more. Don't settle for a bland version of your main character. Give them their own personality, style of speaking, and fashion sense. For example, a tomboy type character would not like being dressed in lace, the color pink, or pigtails. In longer stories, it helps to give them their own interests and flaws. Just think what Indiana Jones would be like without his fear of snakes? It just adds more flavor and gives you more to write about without getting too far off-topic. 

Don't just stop there, build their backstories as well. Maybe your main character's father has never been a part of her life and now the girl has an unusual distrust of men. Or perhaps, the main character's family has a dark history. Next, try to create a sense of "mood" for each scene. This is what you want the reader to feel as they read each chapter. Like a sense of loss or fear. Keep in mind this can change form chapter to chapter. 

If you are stuck with writer's block, I find it helps to look up images on Pinterest. This method has sparked tons of ideas for me in the past. Some writers also listen to music to help inspire them. My secret is when my works start to get dry, I add some elements of danger or a plot twist. I sometimes even look up writing prompts and work with those as well.

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