XIX | Melody

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[ for this is not the only thing we'll be screaming about. ]


          THERE IS THIS STRANGLED melody that escapes my lips, played from a forgotten past before the New Year. Girls are laughing here, and I presume they're wearing flower crowns while they sing about Icarus and the loved sun. There are boys too, who wish to be like Lazlo and make the moon a bracelet for their girls, but it's almost New Year, and they know they cannot survive another year if they do not save their money for their mothers, so they put it in their gazes. The longing. The love. The bittersweet sorrow hanging in the air as us heartbroken girls taste it with our hearts, pretending it's us that they want. I know it isn't, but we've always loved this game of pretend, have we?

          You inhale, I linger, and this has been our routine since the beginning of time. Streams of smoke flood out this bleak place, and secretly I place my love in as well. For once, let it carry through the streets we once called ours, and the world we once ruled in happiness. New Year has ended, and you're the only boy who had the courage to give me one of those flower crowns my demons had. It was pretty. You were pretty. In that moment, I also felt pretty, but right now I'm impossibly bare and just floating about to get by, and your eyes are the raging seas from the past. The seas here are dead, washed away by its own shores to the island of the sun. Lazlo put that in a jar, too, so we won't be seeing much of that. Soon, you won't be seeing much of me, as well. Make sure to drink and scream my melody —

          Just as I have finally let out yours.

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