The Loving Bully

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"Don't bump into me agian you fucking loser." Remmy shouted in my face as he pressed me into a locker. Some kids stood around to watch others scurried to their respective classes.

"Kie! Remington Von, what do you think your doing to that boy!" Mrs. Jackson my math teacher gasps as she sees the comotion outside her room.

Remmy instantly drops me. Not expecting it I end up on my ass on the floor surounded by my school books.

"Nothing Mrs. Jackson." Remmy smiles at her winningly. She only glares and looks down at me.

"Kie... Care to explain why Remington had you by your collar?" She probed. Hoping I would finally accuse Remmy and get him in some kind of trouble."Well?"

'Well you see Mrs. Jackson I love being publicly humiliated and bullied by Remmy here. This is all just foreplay.' That didn't seem like the kind of response any teacher would like to hear so I simply shook my head no.

"Kie... Is he threatening you not to tell?" She asked concerned and sending another glare at Remmy who was way to relaxed for her likeing it seemed.

"No Mrs. Jackson. Me and Remmy are friends. I took a joke a little too far is all. I promise." I explained.

"Fine. I'm here if you need to talk Kie. Remington I don't want to see that kind of rough houseing even among friends. Get to class." She finally ordered before returning to her room.

I glanced at Remmy but he was already on me before I could even speak. The halls were now empty as he smashed his lips down on mine.

"I'll see you after school baby." He whispered against my lips before throwing me down on the ground once more. I would definetly have to skip class to get rid of this boner.

Remmy and I had been going out for almost a year now although no one knew it. I remember the first day like it was yesterday.

"Hey fag." Remington Von greeted as he sauntered up to me. God he was gorgeous, and he was talking to me!

"Hey Remington." I mummbled looking down at my feet the whole time.

"That's disgusting. Only my parents get away with calling me 'Remington'. Your such a freak." He proclaimed as he shut his locker door and headed for class. I was a sophomore this year and Remington Von the boy I had only dreamed about had his new locker next to mine. I was in heaven.

I watched as his lean muscular build walked away from me. Soon I could only see the top of his dark blonde hair as he was lost in the crowd of milling students. The only thing that broke my trance was the sound of the bell that signalled the start of class. I quickly snapped out of it and gathered my bio book and rushed to class.

It was later that same day that I got another run in with Remington. I was back at my locker prepairing for my after luch classes when the locker next to me rattled. I could see it pop open only from how his fist had hit it. He hadn't even attempted to unlock it. Once he noticed me stairing he got to work.

"Hey fag, like what you see?" He growled annoyed with my stairing.

I then made the terrible mistake of nodding. My life was officially over was my last thought before Remmy punched me square in the face. To further my shame and embarrassemenr while I was struggleing to stay conscious Remmy had noticed something.

"Are you hard?" He questioned forcing me too look down at the erection I knew was there. I tried to deny but he just laughed and put his foot down on my crotch. Thats when I moaned so loud there was no denying the amazing pleasure his rough handling was giving me.

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