The Preacher's Son

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Friday came up fast. Here I was sitting on my front porch at 5 p.m. waiting for the first leg of my 'date'. They at least kept away for the two days since the bathroom incident. Other then Jake being my lab partner I only had to endure the occational stare. Sometimes I'd pass the three and see them whispering and looking up at me. It was wierd. I was used to attention to an extent, being very androgynous people always took a second amd third look. What bothered me about it this time was that I knew they were planning something.

Before I could think any more about the past three days a car pulled up. It was a grey oldish impala. I didn't know about cars so I couldn't tell you the year or anything. The only reason I even knew it was an impala is my grandfather drove something similar.

To my surprise Luke hopped out of the car and walked to up to me. I expected he'd honk and wait. When he noticed  me sitting on my porch his eye brows rose. It was my turn to rais a brow when I saw he had a single rose in his hand. My face lit on fire.

"What. Is. That?"

Luke looked suddenly nervouse. "I- well, I thought maybe you'd like it? Is it too grily? I knew I shouldn't have. I just didn't wan't to come empty handed when I met your parents."

He rambled on and on. I looked down at the single rose. A sudden warmth filled me. A warmth towards Luke.  He trapped you in the bathroom until you agreed to this.

"Who said anything about meeting my parents?" I scowled trying to fend off the warmth.

"Of course I can't take you out without introducing myself. They need to know where you'll be and with who." Luke look stricken with the idea that anyone would not have the decency to meet the parents.

The warmth in my chest was growing and I couldn't stop it this time. I let the blush finally coat my cheeks and was suddenly shy. "Umm.. I guess you can come in. Its just my mom though."

Luke smiled at the small victory and soon I was being lead to my own front door. Is the house clean? Did mom take her bra's out of the bathroom? Oh. my. God. The T.v is still on spongebob.

I sighed in relief when I opened the front door and saw my mother was sitting on the couch watching some reality show amd the livingroom was tidier than usual.

"Hey, mom?" I grabbed her attention hesitantly. What do I even say?

Lucky for me I didn't need to know what to say since Luke spoke up unabashed.

"Hello ma'am, my name is Luke. Its a pleasure to meet you." Luke was in his element. All boyish charm meets southern gentleman. My mom looked so pleased.

"Hello Luke, are you a friend of Angel's?" She looked from me to him confused. She obviously knew friends of mine don't politely introduce themselve.

"Well to be honest ma'am... May I be honest Angel?" He asked before spilling all the beans. The warmth in my chest grew some more. I nodded a bit embarrased unable to look at my mom. "I'm here to take Angel out."

I waited for the shock of what Luke had said to sink in but to my surprise my mom didn't react at all.

"Well it was a pleasure meeting you Luke. Where are you two going today?" She asked in a nosy mom way.

"We will be at the park but if it's alright with you I want to keep what we are doing a secret." Luke smiled and winked at my mom as if he was sharing a secret.

"Gotcha! You boys have fun." She smiled and shooed us out the room. "And Angel? I'm happy for you."

If only she knew the circumstances of this date.

That made me think of how I ended up in Luke's car. Looking at him now I couldn't see the boy who assulted me in the bathroom. Instead I remembered how he was with my mother.

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