The Bullies 2

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What was I going to do? The date with Mike had been amazing. Contrary to his threatening behavior in the bathroom at school he was so sweet and loving to all his sisters. At the end of the date he drove me home and gave me a quick peck on the lips before driving off. When my mom saw me come in she commented on how happy I looked.

"What did you end up doing for four hours?" She asked greedily.

I rolled my eyes but felt like a girl gossiping to her best friend as I told her everything. Well almost everything...

"It was amazing. First he took me to the park. But we didn't stay at the park. We wen't on a hot air balloon ride! It was beautifull. He was so sweet. Then we went to play paint ball but we drove there in his dads sweet as hell sports car. I don't know why I never tried paint ball before. Then we went to his house to pick up picnic stuff. He has seven sisters! They are all younger and so freeking cute. He's so good with them it's adorable. The picnic was on the beach at sunset. Can you believe that? How cliché right? But it is as romantic as they say in the movies!" I don't think I've ever said so much in my life. My mom looked geeked though.

"Oh sweety, thats quite a date. How is it a seventeen year old boy is able to put all the men I dated to shame? I should raise my expectations!" My mother declared, her voice incredulous.

I nod in agreement.

"Thats a lot for one boy to do Angel he must really like you."

I blushed. I should tell her. "It was actually three dates with three different boys."

Her eyes bulged. "What! Three? What do you mean?"

"Well.." I told her the whole story about what happened at school. "What should I do?"

"As your mother I would say to never see these boys again. But I can see it in your eyes that today made you really attached to them. I want to meet those assholes Jake and Mike. Especially Mike. How can anyone with seven sisters threaten to rape someone? Fuck him." She growled protectively.

"But I forgave him already!" I tried to defend.

"What? He threatened you!" My mom looked pissed.

"Yeah... But after meeting his family I realized he wouldn't have really done it. I know this sounds crazy but I really like him... And Luke and Jake..." I bit my lip nervousely.

"You like all three? You have to pick one." She sighed. "I vote for Luke. Well now that thats settle."

"How is it settled?" I ask confused.

"Well only two votes matter in this house. You like them all and I am the tie breaker." She shrugs.

"Mom be serious! This is important."

She rolled her eyes at that. "Your in high school sweety. It's not like your deciding to marry one of them, this isn't the bachelor. Wait! Can we do a bachelor rose ceremony? Please, please, please?"

It was my turn to roll my eyes. Instead of responding I walked away. When I got to my room I saw three new messages on my phone. Each of them a goodnight from the guys.

I smiled at the sight then decided to do something. Creating a group chat I invited the three of them.

Me: I had a great time with all of you guys...but I can't date any of you.

M: what? Y not?

L: did I do something?

J: give me another chance? I thought we hit it off pretty well...

Me: u guys were all amazing, that's why I can't choose.

It was a minute before anyone replied.

J: we can have like, an open relationship?

M: How would that even work?

L: Like Angel would want to be passed around like that!

J: no listen. It won't be like that. I'm going to continue taking Angel out but I won't get angry or jelouse if you guys do the same. We r best friends, I think we can handle sharing Angel's time.

I was a little surprised by the turn of the conversation. Date all three of them? That hadn't even occured to me. That would be wrong. My mom would kill me.

Me: I'm ok with that if u guys r...

I waited nervousely for Luke and Mike to respond.

M: I'm not missing out on being with u, I'm ok with sharing.

Luke took a few minutes to respond.

L: Y not? my parents will probably think I'm going to hell anyways. Why not add a polyamorous relationship to the mix.

M: I think its only polyamorous if we r into eachother as well as Angel.

J: gross.

L: Same^ :(

Me: is that it? R we really doing this?

L: I think so.

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