Michael's Pov(Taking the boys to a kids cafe)

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* I wake up(picture below) and do my daily morning routine then i head downstairs and goes into the kitchen to make myself some breakfast(picture below) after i'm done eating i kiss my wife as she heads off to work when she leaves i head back upstairs into Ha-Neul's(one on the left) room and wakes him up i grab his hand and heads to Joo-Chan's(one on the right) room and he is already awake so i grab his hand and takes them both into the bathroom and after they take a bath and get washed up i head into Ha-Neul's room and goes to his closet and picks him out a outfit(picture below) then i head into Joo-Chan's room and goes to his closet and picks him out a outfit(picture below) and i head back into the bathroom and hands them their clothes then i leave and heads back downstairs while they are upstairs getting dressed i head back into the kitchen and makes them breakfast(picture below)they both come downstairs dressed and heads into the kitchen and sits at the table i open a kitchen drawer and grabs both of their chopsticks and sits them down on the table and grabs their food and sits in on the table they start eating and i head into the living room and cleans up the living room and heads to the washroom and starts washing and drying clothes i hang the clothes on the rack and heads back into the living room and after the boys are done eating they go into the living room to watch tv i head into the kitchen and starts washing the dishes and cleaning up around the kitchen and back into the living room with the boys*

Me-Guess where we are going boys

Ha-Neul and Joo-Chan-Where appa?

Me- I'm taking you guys to a Kid's cafe and you can meet your friends there since i already called their parents and told them

Ha-Neul and Joo-Chan-Yay thanks appa*hugs me*

Me- No problem*laughs and hugs them back*

*I take them to the car and lock the front door and starts driving to a kids cafe and we finally arrive at the kids cafe(picture below) when we enter the boys start running to play with their friends i head to the stand and order 2 banana milk's and a green tea (picutre below)i head to a table and sits down and drinks my green tea doing work on my tablet while watching the kids play*

(Ha-Neuls Pov)

Me- guys lets go play on the slide 

Jeong-Ki,Hwa-Young,and Eun-Hee- okay

*We all head over to the playroom(picture below)and i climb the monkey bars and walks across the bridge with them following behind me*

Me- What do you guys want to play?

Jeong-Ki(picture below)- what about pirates and princesses?

Eun-Hee(picture below)- i like that idea Jeong-Ki

Hwa-Young(picture below)- Me too

Me- Whelp its settled then pirates and princesses

Hwa-Young- You guys should try being the princesses and we be the pirates*her and Eun-Hee giggles*

Jeong-Ki- Sound fun

Me- Heck no dude whats wrong with your brain*slaps him upside the head*

Jeong-Ki- i dont know*rubbing his head*

Hwa-Young- Best entertainment all day *laughs with Eun-Hee*

Eun-Hee- Of course you guys can be pirates we was only kidding*giggles*

Me- Phew close one*wipes fake sweat*

*We all laugh and start playing pirates  and princesses me and Jeong-Ki chasing the girls around with our toy swords and they running around screaming with their princess dresses on*

(Joo-Chan's Pov)

*Me,Seo-Wook,Mi-Cha,And Jinsoo all head to the library section and lays down on the soft cushions*

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