Chapter One

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Hello, everyone! It's me, the Gamerwhogames! And I am happy to announce my first Season-2-related work of fanfiction: "Shake a Leg, Radar!". If you're in the majority of the fandom, you too took an instant liking to the bubbly, excitable and adorable personality of Jesse's intern, Radar. By episode two, I was a bit upset I hadn't upped my game and wrote about him sooner. In fact, I need to get back to writing about these guys in general, because if I don't, who knows where I'll be mentally? With all these rules and regulations of writing, my demon of perfectionism is really rearing its head, you could say. But it's time to fight! It's time to write! It's the right thing to do. (See what I did there? No? Um... okay, then.)


Crisper: (jolts awake and hits it)

Radar quietly closed Jesse's door and bit his tongue all the way downstairs and out the door. Once he was outside, sure he was out of the earshot of his mentor and idol, he let out his bottled-up fury on himself. "Why am I such an idiot?!" He shouted skyward as he curtly marched down the cobble patio and out to the street. He strode through a flurry of rainbow-colored parrots and through the red-gates of the lively city of Beacontown. The frightened birds made a ruckus as they rushed to the clouds where the midday sun hung. It was a little past noon, which left the frazzled intern plenty of time to take care of the Founding-Day duties, but he felt like he was in a time-crunch for his life.

It had all gone wrong earlier that morning. He'd woken up right on time, bright and ready for the busy day he'd anticipated all night. Jesse? Not so. He was slow to rise, and even slower to open his heavy lids, actually sitting up in bed, eyes shut like a lifeless doll. Radar had been worried, but decided not to let it bother him into rushing his boss out of bed. "I'll be up in a few minutes," Jesse had said. And, like they always did, "a few minutes" turned into an "hour behind schedule" before Jesse delivered the shattering news. "I think I have a head-cold. I can't even get out of bed." His nasally voice confirmed said shattering news. The night before, Radar didn't make sure he was in bed by 7:00 for nothing: The eve of Founding Day was supposed to be the busiest day of the year, full of preparations, building and cooking. Preparations, building and cooking that were meant to be supervised by Jesse, Hero in Residence, not Jesse With a Head Cold. And now all was lost. Almost....

"And I just had to suggest taking care of everything on my own. Just had to! Why can't I just keep my mouth shut?" He rambled to himself, oblivious to the uneasy stares the other civilians gave him. He stopped near the centerpiece of the city: an oversized rendition of the Order Amulet, complete with glowing beacons that added flair to the whole city. He sighed, already worn out by the fretful morning, and pulled out the reddish-brown to-do book. "Alright, let's see what we've got today," he thumbed a few pages until it was current with the date and skimmed over the neat list with his black eyes. But when he read, someone tapped his shoulder and he spun around with a holler, startling Nell who tapped him. "Oh! It's just you." He blushed slightly as he readjusted his black specs.

"Sorry, brah. I, like, didn't mean to scare you, yah know? It was just a tap." She apologized with a lulled head and an easy grin.

"I am very well aware of that." He muttered to himself, annoyed with himself for being so easily scared. "Did you need anything?" He closed his book and put it under his arm and gave her a polite, attentive grin.

"Yeah. Like, where's Jesse? I wanted him to do me a colossal favor."

"Jesse is at home sick today." He said tersely, causing the blonde-haired surfer-girl to flinch.

"Wait, Jesse's... sick?" Her pale-faced words caused a reaction in the crowd, and almost the entire town began to encircle Radar, tempting him to hide behind his book. All around him he only saw worried eyes probing him for information and worried mouths beginning to speak out.

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