Chapter 3

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Chapter Three

The next day Harry and Ron came bounding into the great hall, ready for breakfast. Sitting down, they saw that mostly everyone was there already. Harry couldn't help but let his eyes sweep the hall, still getting used the environment. While looking round he landed on the small girl he shared a train compartment with. Wearing a green and silver tie around her neck, she poked the food in front of her.

Harry watched as one of the older students look smugly upon her and tried to start a conversation. Evelyn snapped at the older student who scoffed and turned away. Overall Harry concluded that Evelyn was miserable in her house. He shared this with Ron, who agreed completely. As they finished breakfast, they left with Hermione to go to their first class, transfiguration.

The day went on and the first year Gryffindors and Slytherins found themselves in potions. Everyone was talking happily. Suddenly,the door to the potions classroom slammed open, causing everyone to stop talking and look at the black mass of robes that had just entered. A man with black grease for hair and a long nose looked down upon the students.

"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the exact art that is potion making, however" he stopped looking upon the Slytherins. "For those select few who possess the pre-dispossession....I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensure the senses. I can show you how to brew fame, bottle glory, and even put a stopper in death." His eyes now traveled to the Gryffindors. He landed on harry, who was taking notes.

"Then again, maybe some of you, have come to Hogwarts with the possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not. pay. attention."

Hermione nudged Harry and he looked up, seeing the scowl in Snape's face.

"Mr. Potter, our new celebrity." Harry frowned at his words but remained quiet.

"Tell me" Snape continued "what would I get if I added powdered root of afforded to an infusion of wormwood?" Hermione hand shot up, she looked rather excited about the question. Harry looked at her but remained quiet.

"You don't know?" Well let's try again" Snape said completely ignoring Hermione. Evelyn watched, feeling the distaste for her teacher only grow.

"Where, Mr. Potter would you look if I asked you to find me a bezel?" Hermione hand went higher.

"I-I don't know, sir" Harry said quietly

"And what is the difference between monks wood and wolf bane?"

"I don't know sir" Harry said once again.

Evelyn's hand slowly went in the air. She knew all the answers but she didn't want to intervene. She finally had enough and lifted her small arm. Snape only gave her a glance and continued. Evellyn lowered her hand knowing she had been passed over.

"Pity. Clearly fame isn't everything. Is it, Mr. Potter?" Snape sneered. Hermione lowered her hand in defeat. Evelyn scowled at Snape, knowing that he had become her least favorite teacher. Snape gave the class an assignment that according to Hermione was prepared for third years and would take all class. Everyone seemed to be struggling with the potion. Even Hermione was having trouble. The sound of a glass vile being put against Snape's desk made everyone look up at the girl in front them, who's cheeks had turned a light shade of pink.

"Finished so soon?" Snape asked Evelyn in a monotone voice.

"Er...yes sir, I found it the least bit challenging, actually" she stated and half the classes jaws dropped, including Hermione's. Snape tested the potion quickly and gave a sour looking frown, which Evelyn concluded was his best try at a smile.

"Very well, 10 points to Slytherin" he said and Evelyn went back to her seat. Everyone watched her go back and only turned back around when she looked up.

"How'd she do that? It was only 20 minutes into class and she done" Ron huffed as he and Harry made their way to lunch.

"It's obvious isn't it? She has a pure talent" Hermione said, waling quickly to keep up. Ron rolled his eyes at her and they walked ahead. Harry stayed back, seeing Evelyn was coming up the stairs to the great hall.

"Evelyn! Hey Evelyn!" Harry called. Evelyn turned and eyed him suspiciously. Why would a he be talking to her? She assumed she was iced out as soon as the sorting hat sealed her fate.

"Look that was really cool, what you did in Snape's" Harry said trying to make conversation with the frozen girl in front of him.

"Oh...thanks....I don't know, it just comes easily, I guess. I'm sorry he was so hard on you, it seemed out of line." Evelyn said with a shy smile. Harry returned it and then grew a bit more serious.

"Look, I've seen you at the Slytherin table, you look absolutely miserable. I was wonder if-if you wanted to sit with us? I'm sure everyone will be fine with it, and you'll be able to make some real friends" Harry said. Evelyn narrowed her eyes in case this was a prank of some sort.

"It's not a trick, I promise!" Harry said and Evelyn half heartily smiled. She followed behind Harry as she walked up to the Gryffindor table.

"Oi! Guys, this is Evelyn. I met her on the train, as did Ron" Harry said talking to the Gryffindor's that would listen.

"I know she's a Slytherin and all but trust me she's fine. She's absolutely miserable there and I know that we'll accept her right?" Harry said, eyeing down the people in front of him.

"Well, I have to say, your bloody brilliant at potions!" A boy named Seamus said in his Irish accent. Evelyn smiled and she sat down next to Harry. For the first time she had a conversation with someone she actually wanted to have. She had a warm feeling in her chest and made up her mind that it was happiness. She's felt it once before. The time she had with her dad. She savored the feeling, smiling to herself.

She was accepted into the Gryffindor's quickly, all of them treating her as if she was one of their own. A tap on her shoulder made her town to the red headed boy next to her. He grinned at her and stuck his hand out

"Fred Weasley at your service" she said and Evelyn laughed.

"Evelyn Riddle. Your Ron's brother?" she said shaking his hand

"So I've heard, and yes, well one of them"

"There's seven of us, not counting adults" a boy said behind Fred, looking exactly like him.

"I'm George by the way! Fred's right hand man in pranking" Fred laughed along with Evelyn and the three of them spent the rest of the meal talking about the pranks and trouble George and Fred have gotten into. As Evelyn looked around she smiled even though some of the Slytherin's were giving her some nasty scowls and glares. One boy in particular looked especially annoyed by her change of seat. Draco Malfoy was staring her down, a frown presently plastered on his face. Evelyn ignored him, knowing she found her place in Hogwarts.

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