Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

Hermione and Evelyn watched through a window of the library as Harry trailed behind Oliver Wood, helping him carry a large trunk. He was going through his first round of Quidditch practice, getting used to the sport.

Evelyn sat, looking at her homework in front of her. She thought back on her conversation with Malfoy from the other night. Why would he threaten her like that? And how did he know about her relation to Voldemort?

"Hey, you ok?" Hermione asked.

"Oh yeah, just zoned out for a sec." Evelyn said, snapping back to earth. Hermione nodded and went back to reading the textbook in front of her. Evelyn liked Hermione, she was smart and kind, and always ready to help her. Over the past month they have gotten closer, usually spending most of their time together in the library.

Evelyn finally had enough of her homework and left Hermione with a smile and a simple bye. She decided to walk around the grounds, still getting accustomed to the large castle. She was thinking about everything, between still thinking about what Malfoy said in the common room, along with the giant three headed dog on the third floor. Lost in her thoughts she slammed right into someone, causing her to ungracefully fall on her backside.

"Oh sorry, love, I wasn't watching were I was going!" A male voce said. Evelyn felt herself being picked up and being out back on her feet.

" was my fault, I wasn't paying attention" she said and looked at her she bumped into. A good looking boy with brown wavy hair and soft soft eyes boy stood before her, with a slight smile on his face.

"Well I must say, I never heard a Slytherin apologize before" he chuckled and Evelyn smiled, giving him a once over. He wore yellow and black, a Hufflepuff crest adorning his robes.

"Guess I'm not like most Slytherins" she said. "I'm Evelyn, by the way, Evelyn Riddle" she said and the boy nodded

"Cedric Diggory" he said and the shook hands. "So Ms. Evelyn Riddle, since I so rudely bumped into you, can I walk you back up to the castle?" He asked her and she smiled. Cedric was just being nice, as any Hufflepuff would be, but Evelyn was grateful for it.

"I'm the one who bumped into you, and sure, a walk is exactly what I need" she answered politely. So the two walked on, talking and finding conversation easy. He gave her advice about the castle, and castle's. Evelyn found out that Cedric was a third year who was very kind and polite. He believed in fairness liked earning things, not just having them given to him. Evelyn admired that about him. As the sun went down they set back to the castle and parted when they reached the great hall.

"Make a new friend?" Hermione asked curiously.

"Yes Cedric Diggory, ever heard of him?" Evelyn asked

"Sure, he's in our year. What about him?" Fred asked sitting down. The team just came in from practice, including Harry.

"He's really nice, I just spent the afternoon with him" Evelyn explained,

"Oh that's awesome, I hear He's on track to be a prefect. Not a bad friend to have" Fred said.

George grinned, "yeah, you'll have no luck from us with that, you're better off sticking with him." Making the table laugh around them. 

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