Chapter 1

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"I can't believe your parents are letting you move into your own place!" my best friend Liz says excitedly

"I know im so excited! I can't believe this is happening!" I exclaim

"Emily, your so lucky! I wish my uncle owned an apartment complex and let me live in one of the apartments for free"

"Yeah I know! I can't believe my parents are actually letting me! And of course you will be coming over like all the time!"

"I know, it's going to be so much fun! I'm so happy for you!"

I look over and smile at her and then focus my attention back on the road.

"How much longer untill we get there?" Liz asks me

"Uhh I just have to make a left up at this light, then a right at the next light, and then we will be there! Oh my gosh Liz im so excited!" my voice gradually got louder with excitement as I was talking.

The rest of the car ride was just of Liz and I exchanging glances of excitement at each other as we neared my apartment building.

"Oh my gosh Liz we're here!" I yelled in excitement as I parked my car into the parking lot of the apartment complex.

Liz and I both get out the car to be greeted by my uncle.

"Emily!" My uncle yells as he opens his arms up for a hug

"Uncle John!" I exclaim as I run up and hug him

"Hey Liz, how have you been?" my uncle says as we let go from our hug

"I've been good sir, how about you?" Liz responds

"I've been great Liz, no need to call me sir I've known you for a while now"

She smiles at him. Liz and I have been friends since we were seven. Ten years. She knew my family well and I knew hers.

"Well shall I show you to your new apartment?" my uncle states

"Let's go" I say as I walk up to my uncle, Liz following next to me.

As we walk to my apartment I look around. There are two rows of apartments. With a large grassy area separating them. There are also stairs that lead to the upstairs apartments. At the end of the large grassy area was a pool, and there were flower patches on the perimeter of the grass area. There were trees, bushes, and benches. There was a boy sitting on one of the benches. from what I could see he had curly brown hair, but I didn't pay much attention to him.

After a few minutes of walking my uncle stops in front of apartment 23. My apartment.

"Well here you are" my uncle says as he hands me the keys "I had all your furniture put in there already. I'll leave you and Liz to take a look around. Call me if you need anything sweetie"

"Thanks Uncle John" I say as I hug him goodbye

"Of course honey. Enjoy" He said and then walks away

I turn to face Liz who has a huge smile on her face. "Ready?" she asks

I nod and then turn to put the key in the lock. I unlock the door and then open it with a huge smile on my face.

Liz and I walk in and look around the living room. Liz shuts the door.

I look around the living room. It has two brown couches with a glass coffee table in the middle. There is a fireplace and above it was a tv. Towards the left was a dining room table that was next to the kitchen. The kitchen is normal size for an apartment. It has stainless steel appliances and dark brown cabinets, it looks very modern.

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