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"NITA MERCADO?" THE NURSE AT the desk called out, making Nita rise up for her daily check up by her physician.
"Here," her thick Italian-Argentine accent spoke through her words, causing the nurse to signal her to the room.
The 19 year old-almost 20 in November sat on the chair waiting for her family doctor to come out.
Humming as she checked her Instagram feed, she saw something that caught her eye. Paulo Dybala's WAG was in the same city as her-Venice.
That was a four hour drive, what was she doing here? Nita shook it off as she didn't care for this stuff as much as her best friend since high school-Selina.
She figured to tell Selina about this. Selina was just like her best friend Nita. Both of them had met Freshman year of high school when they noticed they had 3 out of 4 classes together and instantly clicked, ever since then they did everything together.
Nita🥀: Your boyfriend Paulo's wag is in Venice😂
Selina💞: I know! I want to find herrrrr!!
Nita🥀: Uhm, that's a little...
Nita laughed, Selina was crazy obsessed with the Football team, Juventus. Especially the player Claudio Marchisio. She claimed his eyes had a "potion" effect.
Finally, the doctor arrived. Something looked off about her but Nita didn't mention it, it wasn't her area to investigate.
"How are you doing, Nita?" Dr. Altman asked to young female, her physician was a sweet Argentine and Italian middle aged women, she was caring and was Nita's family physician for a while now.
"I'm fine Dr. Altman, what about you?" Nita polity asked as the doctor put her gloves on.
She sighed deeply, "I don't think you wanna hear it, you're still young- when's your birthday, again?"
"November 15th, ma'am," Nita replied.
"Ah, same birthday as my cousin, how neat."
Nita smiled, "Okay Nita, potion your feet up," she asked making Nita confused but shook it off, and did what she asked. All of the sudden she felt something going into her, like a needle.
"All done, have a great day," she smiled at Nita.
"That's it?" Nita asked. That felt like a short check up.
She nodded, "Yes,"
"Have a good day..." Nita said, grabbing her things and leaving the room.
When Nita left, the doctor went to the next room for the next patient walking in she realized a familiar face, "Antonella?" she said, why was her cousin's girlfriend here?
"So, are we actually going to find her?" Selina asked her best friend while they were in a Starbucks like the basic girls they were.
"Find who?" Nita's boyfriend of almost two years, Ricardo asked.
Selina rolled her eyes, "No one, Ricardo. This is a girl conversation," Selina didn't have anything against her best friend's boyfriend but she was the best friend and he was the boyfriend.
Nita chuckled, "Pablo Dybala's girlfriend."
Selina gasped, "How dare you!"
Nita gave her a confused look and sipped on her iced coffee, "What?"
"What the heck is a Pablo Dybala? It's Paulo!" Selina shook her head, ashamed of her best friend in that second.
Nita laughed, "Sorry, Selina."
"Yeah you better be," she muttered and finished her gigantic cookie.
"Like the footballer?" Ricardo, being a basketball fan asked.
"Yes the footballer, what else?" Selina answered for Nita.
Nita gave Selina a look, "Sorry Ricardo. Selina's just in a bad mood because she's realizing she'll never marry a footballer."
Selina fake sighed, "How sad is my life?"
"Very," Ricardo answered for his girlfriend.
"Oh, bite me."
The half Italian, half Argentine laughed at the two most important people in her life and their arguments they'd have often.
"Calm down, guys," Nita said, all of the sudden she grabbed onto her stomach, groaning.
Selina gave her a concerned look, "What's wrong?"
Nita shook it off as it went away, "Nothing, I think..." she answered, still unsure of what just happened, she had felt a pain in her stomach but her period wasn't due for another three weeks.
"Whoa, are you pregnant? Ricardo did you knock her up!" That was the first thing Selina asked as she saw her best friend's facial expression.
"No!" Nita disagreed, "Gosh, I'm only 19 and not having a child for a longgg time."
Ricardo laughed, "I have to agree with you on that," the twenty year old said.
Selina smiled at the happy strong couple, wishing she had something like that but was too picky and declined all the boys that chased after her claiming she would meet a footballer and fall in love.