A Little Song From Memories

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Y/n's pov
After the food fight the team and JNPR are discussing about something but 'boring!' So I got up from the bed Blake's and grabbed my bass guitar.
"Yo guys! Imma head out for a bit, k?" I let them know and walked outside the dorm then I went outside to the garden and sat under a tree with my bass guitar near the flower field. I began tuning my bass guitar and played a few chords before I sing a song.
Something is near me and I looked to my right and saw glimpse of a red cloak, I sighed and chuckled quietly

Ruby's POV
I heard Y/n walk out the door "Guys Y/n just went out, does anyone know where he's heading?"
I asked them but only got a bunch of 'no, nope, not really'
"Lets follow him!" I suggested
"Sure" my team agreed
"Wanna come Jaune?" I asked them if they want to go too
"Yeah ok, come on team!" Jaune and his team agreed
"Just be quiet ok? This is a stealth mission" I said to Jaune
"Ok team Ruby said to be quiet or else we'll get caught by Y/n! Alright Nora?" Jaune specifically hinted Nora to be quiet which she nodded after
"Then let's go hurry! He's already leaving fast!" We all followed Y/n to a.....Garden?
"Whoa never thought Beacon has a hidden Garden" I whispered to the others and they nodded
"Hey look it's Y/n!" Yang pointed where Y/n is, who's under a tree with a bass guitar
"Guys let's hide in the flower field!" With that said We all hid in the flower field and slowly neared Y/n playing some few chords, I almost fell face first on the ground if it wasn't for Weiss catching me and pulled me back.

Then we looked back at Y/n who was chuckling quietly then played some tunes

(Adventure time) Everything Stays- Rebecca Sugar

Let's go in the garden
You'll find something waiting
Right there where you left it
Lying upside down

When you finally find it
You'll see how it's faded
The underside is lighter
When you turn it around

Everything stays
Right where you left it
Everything stays
But it still changes
Ever so slightly
Daily and nightly
In little ways
When everything stays

Y/n's POV
"*sigh* even in one little song it describes many words. I wish everything stays the way they are now but that won't become true, this world lacks equality and peace which makes war between faunas and humans" I talked to myself about this world
"Maybe another song to make me feel better" I said to myself before hearing leaves shake and a 'shhh' followed by a 'crap! Guys shut up I wanna hear his voice again!'
But I just shrugged it off 'I thought it was just Ruby but I guess the rest is here listening, I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply but before I can play
"Well,well,well look at this pathetic person singing his feelings out" a familiar voice came out of nowhere. I shot my eyes open and saw

*growls like a wild beast* "Geno, what do you want from me this time?! You already have what I used to have! -we used to have!Parents, shelter, sister, and power! So what do you want NOW?!" I snapped at him while he just arms reach distance in fro...

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*growls like a wild beast* "Geno, what do you want from me this time?! You already have what I used to have! -we used to have!
Parents, shelter, sister, and power! So what do you want NOW?!" I snapped at him while he just arms reach distance in front of me looking down as I was still sitting
"Can't I just see how my pathetic big brother is doing?" He said playing innocent
"Don't play games with me Geno, so just get to the point * I stood up and looked down at him* and you were never my brother since the incident so tell ME Now!" At the end I shouted like a demon at him with my left arm beginning to turn gray
"Fine I was just gonna tell you that, Father, the now ruler of the underworld, is going to come here and have a 'chat' with your so-called dad" He informed me chuckling evilly as I glared him down "thats all?" I asked angrily "yes now goodbye heh brother" he laughs like a maniac as he walked backwards through a portal.

The portal closes and now im standing there processing what happened and sat back down to play another song

"Someday I'll sing this to Geno"
*i played my bass guitar*(⬇⬇)

(A/n you're like when Marceline floats on top of the door but you floated on top of the tree)

Rebecca Sugar- "I'm just your problem" Cover by Ashe (as Marshall Lee)

As I finished the song i landed back down on the ground
"Welp, I need to go to sleep now, today is tiring."I said to myself but really letting the team know
So I went back to the dorm and saw that everyone was there (RWBY and JNPR) "Hello Y/n! Where have you been?" Pyrrha asked me "I said"I was heading out right?" I said back "oh sorry! I guess that we didnt heard you say that" Ruby apologized "it's...fine, anyways I need to go see dad to discuss something ok?" I told them but leaving the bigger secret about what Geno meant "sure, we'll see you later" Yang said

After that I went to the elevator and waited 'I hope we still have time...' The elevator stopped and opened, revealing dad and Demwar, my demonic father from the underworld "Hi dad" I greeted "Hello son" said Demwar "first of all you are no longer my father, ever since you died and became the ruler of the underworld, and second you abandoned me in the Emerald Forrest to be eaten by grimms but I guess luck was on my side and someone was there for me.
I visited you at the tree everyday with mom and everyone, I was confused why you and mom were not there anymore, until I saw mom came back wearing a pure white dress and she has wings, she told me you and her broke into a fight and went to your separate ways" I started to tear up, my hands formed a fist and started to shake
"I never knew that you were the king of darkness while mom was the queen of light until she told me. So I ask you a question, WHAT AM I?!"I shot my head up with tears in my now demonic eyes. My left arm beginning to turn gray and my right arm is infused with light.
Ozpin and Demwar looked shocked to see my arms have two different effect "y-you were ju-just to b-be a immortal with my power that you inherited! NOT THE LEGEND DRAGON WOLF!" Demwar shouted the last one with anger "then I suppose Im not your son" I said with anger

Narrator pov
As Ozpin stood there looking between the two, he looked at Y/n 'so that is what I sensed deep in his soul, his eye resembles the exact eye of the legend dragon' he thought
"Just leave already...AND DON'T BOTHER ME AND MY FAMILY EVER AGAIN!!!!" Y/n shouted "tsk, fine but remember this: as soon as the two-headed wolf from heaven and hell comes, please take care of them. They aren't being treated by the angels and devils themselves, its like they are scared of the wolf... so please just do this not for be but for them as well. They aren't a normal wolf so I hope you can understand them better.." Demwar said as he now opened a portal to the underwold.
He goes into the portal and stopped half way through "please
Do this for them" he said with a small smile that was genuine for a father to have and with a small tear streamed down his face.
As he goes through the portal, his skin began to look demonic like and horns appeared on top of his head. The portal closed and disappeared.
"I just hope everything goes back to normal.." Y/n whispered softly, covering his face with one hand as his arms' effects faded earlier, his eyes closed shut with tears streamed down his face.
Ozpin walked closer to Y/n and comforted him "its alright son, I'm here and here to tell you that it is going to go back to the way it was before" Ozpin soothed as the boy sobbed

So guys I hope you enjoyed that and if you did definitely howl for the dragon wolf! BUT WAIT!!!!



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