Lost in Plain Sight[A Supernatural FanFic]

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       (I do not own the picture to the right. I found it on Pinerest and thought it fit the story.)

                                         Chapter 1-Dean, Sam, and ....?

[Dean’s POV]

The first time Sam and I met her was on a scorching summer night in the middle of July. I was eleven then, and Sam was seven. 


We were staying at some motel in North Carolina when she came around. It was past midnight and almost one when Dad came back from his hunt. Normally, when he brought something back with him, it was a weapon or gun of the sort, but never a person, let alone a girl. I was always a light sleeper, so I almost always woke up as soon as Dad opened the motel door. Sam woke up too, which baffled me because he was a heavy sleeper. Both of our eyes nearly fell out of their sockets when we saw Dad with company. It was so strange and unlike him that I questioned to myself if he was really our dad or some creature. When Dad walked in, he left open the door until his guest walked in the motel. She stumbled in with her head hung low and her light blonde hair concealed her face.

                “You can sleep on the couch.” Was all he said. She nodded and took off her shoes before curling up on the small couch. Dad put her small navy blue duffle bag right beside the couch before walking to the bathroom. Sam and I both looked at him in confusion, but all he did was shake his head, which meant ‘not now’. Same went right back to sleep, but I didn’t. Dad had to leave again so I did not see him the rest of the night.  I thought the girl would fall asleep too, but I could hear her silently weeping, and I knew she would sleep well either. My mind was steaming with questions, but eventually I fell asleep, and so did she. 

The next day, Dad made us sit down on the couch in front of the chair she was sitting in. Her puffy hazel green eyes were glued to the floor and didn’t move when we sat in front of her.

                “Sam, Dean, I’d like you to meet our guest, Opal, who will be staying with us for a while.” Dad explained, then turn to Opal.  “Opal, these are my boys. Dean is the oldest, and Sam is the youngest. They will keep you company while I am out.”

Opal looked up at Dad, then to us.

                “Hi.” She greeted, but her voice was shaky and her eyes glistened like glass marbles. While Sam began to strike a conversation, Dad pulled me over to the kitchen that took up a small portion of the wall, where Sam and Opal could not hear us.

                “What’s wrong?” I questioned quietly.

                “Please try to keep her out of trouble.” He began. “She will try to sneak out, I promise you.”

                “Why?” I whisper.

                “She wants to go hunting with me to try to find the vampire gang that killed her parents.” He sighed. “She’s a stubborn one. The only reason I brought her here was because she will go out after them and get herself killed. She has no extended family, no aunts, no uncles, but I am trying to find an orphanage for her, but I’m having no luck.”

I nodded, signaling I understood. Dad sighed again and looked over at Opal and Sam. Sam was trying to make her laugh or get her to talk, but he was failing. He did succeed in getting a small smile out of her. When I looked back at Dad, I could tell her wanted to ramble, but I was too young to understand, so he kept quiet. After a long pause, I spoke up.

“Why are we helping her?” I asked.

“I don’t know.” He replied. “I was wondering the same thing.”

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