Chapter Two: A Guest

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Chapter Two: A Guest

         “A person behind the scenes connects passion, love, and consent to move on to death.”

         Makoto was walking around the Sakamaki mansion while Yamato finished getting dressed. She ended up running into Shū coming out of his room. “Who are you?” Shū asked as Laito walked up to them.

         “I am Makoto, Yamato’s lover and wife-to-be,” She replied as Laito tried to touch her. “Back up,” She ordered. He backed up and Shū laughed.

         “What is up with this? No one tells me what to do.” Laito said about to touch her and she quickly grabbed his hands. She noticed the marks on his left wrist.

         “She marked you.” She stated then laughed. “Her control was always good and torturing at the same time.” She laughed even harder and let his hands go.

         “Why are you here?” Shū wondered.

         “They demolished my home earlier today. The only place I knew besides the home the two vampire hunters who raised me until I was completed high school. They knew I was a vampire but they protected me from other hunters as I grew up. What they gave me for my eighteenth birthday was their lives?” She continued.

         “Vampire hunters raised you.” Shū said.

         “Other vampire children from the building I was born in were also adopted by vampire hunters in Yokohama and raised and protected by them until they completed high school. The building was raided when I was three and I only was able to save four other vampire children. Adult and infant children vampires were killed in that raid. The building used to get raided by vampire hunters every night for years. Families got separated over the years children and parents were torn apart.” She went on.  They were just standing around talking when Ayato, Kanato, and Reiji joined them.

         “Did Yūma leave yet?” Reiji asked.

         “He was still sleep when I left her room a few hours ago.” Shū said. Laito was frustrated about that situation because he wanted to taste and do her.

         “Figured he would not leave until now though. I told Ruki he would be home before sunset.” Reiji commented laughing.

         “You know those two are supposed to be getting married right.” Makoto said.

         “I knew that already.” Shū said. Everyone looked at him.

         “They why are you sleeping with her.” Laito asked.

         “I can do that up until she leaves this mansion for good.” Shū said.

         “Where’s Subaru-kun at?” Yui asked. Everyone looked at her.

         “Still in his room sleep most likely. He has business with Megumi so do not bother him.” Shū commented.

         “She has not handled that part of her business yet. That was one of the main reasons she was called back to stay here. Well if Yūma kept her busy last night and she is going through her awakening process too.” Makoto said.

~Yūma’s POV~

         I rolled over to find my Princess sleeping next to me still. She looked so peaceful but I knew I needed to get home or else Ruki will scold me. I slowly lick her neck and she moans my name in her sleep, “Yūma,” I just smiled and continued licking her neck until she opened her eyes. “Morning,” She said kissing me. I moaned into her mouth. Our tongues played as I impaled her roughly and she moaned back into my mouth. I carried her into the bathroom and cut the shower on. I pressed her up against the wall as I continued impaling her. I broke our kiss and she moaned loudly. I pulled her into a tight hold and I really did not want to let her go back to Shū.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2014 ⏰

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