Was there hope

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That the only word I could use to tell you what it feels like it be rejected and even that was an understatment to how I felt when my mate had did this to me and not just for any girl.....


The sound of my alarm is what woke me up every morning.I groaned as the bright light hit my eyes I leaned over and stop the annoying beeping that ringed through my ear.I began my day like I did everyday I slipped on some old pair of jeans and Band tee and a sweeter and I grabbed my Ipod and went down stairs.I saw my parents sitting down at the table and my brothers fighting over food I walked pass them and went straight to my car My brothers Brian,Bradon and Byron are jerks to me there always messing with my stuff and pushing me around alot and when people in school talk about me,they don't even defend me and my parents pretty much hate me plain and simple.

When I got to school I parked in my spot sat in my car for awhile I mummbled to myself  "another day will go by and just think you can make it" although I say this everyday it never seems to get better.It was a normal day people were pushing in the hall I kept my hood up and in every class I watched the minutes pass by until the worse class ever.


Don't get me wrong I'm fit and all but I hate seeing the popular werewolf girls in short shorts and tanks top on and hang around the Alpha jocks try to show off there strength.I'm ashamed to say that my two cousins Kylie and Peter are part of that crowd and of course my brothers as well.I guess you could say I'm the odd ball after gym class on my way to my final class I happen to bump into the most beautiful guy in school.

Gio,he'll kicks anyone ass who dares uses his name real name he only lets people he know call him by his full name.

I didn't know what to say I had been knocked down and I was looking up at him in fear of what he would say he was looking at me with cold eyes what had I done to him he offered his hand and I took it next thing I know sparks fly and the room felt like it was spinning. 

"were mates" I said in a low voice.

"I don't know what your talking about"he said it as if he didn't feel it but he had to.

"yeah you do didn't you feel that?" I ask shocked by the way he was acting shouldn't he be happy.

"no I didn't look I have to go"

He left me there alone.I felt my heart breaking inside of me and I was on my way about to go to my stair well just to think as I was going up the stair well when I heard my cousin Kylie voice I began to listen,

"so is she your mate?" I heard kylie's vioce in what almost sounded like a whisper.

"yeah I thought it was just feeling I was having towards her but its true she is my mate" Gio had answered.

"well you told her you wouldn't be with her right?" I peeked my head only to see her hands on his chest.

"yeah its done" He kissed her on her lip passionately.

"good now no more sneeking around why did you make her wait anyway if she already knew you were taken if wouldn't have hurt her as much" she purred at him.

"I was hoping that she would take it light and she did thats all that matters now" they began to kiss each over she had giggled.

He didn't kow how much it hurt just to hear him say those words to me though or how much it hurt to hear this.I started to go down stairs until I fell back and fall down the stairs when I got to the bottom they pulled apart and started to make there way to me.I got up and ran as fast as I could until I fell into my my brothers I guess I falling into everyone today they started to laugh.

"aww whats wrong did something scare you" they said in a baby voice I hate getting picked on for being the youngest soon Gio and Kylie were there. 

"did you guys see someone running" they said out of breath

"yeah Annabelle just was" brain said I cursed  at myself.

Everyone looked at me I had to think of something quick. 

"I was only running because it sounded like someone was running after me,I felt like I was being followed so I ran" they all believed me I slowly moved away from this crowd no one noticed me slip away I went to class remebering what I heard I sat in my seat at the back of the class.

For the first time I cried in the middle of class.

I can't help but think was ther Hope of us ever.

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