chapter two - midnight strike

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I woke up and saw the clock it was midnight. I rubbed my eyes and uncovered the covers and stood up. I walk down the stairs of my house and to the fridge i saw food and my tummy started rumbling. I tried to reach it but it went farther. I countinue to reach out but there was nothing supporting me now my whole body was inside the fridge. Without any warning i fell down inside the fridge.

I opened my eyes and saw im in the middle of a forest the moon was glimmering through the night.
I stood up and dusted myself and observed what is happening around me "why is this always happening to me. Im always going through different realms" i thought until i heard a footstep behind me. I turned around and saw a elf he had a bow and arrow "princess? Why are you out here so late?" He asked

"W-what, princess?" I wondered inside my head
He looked at me, his blue bell eyes meeting my crystal emerald ones. He sighed and lowered the bow down. without hestitation he grabbed me by the hand and pull me inside the woods

As we went deeper and farther in the woods. light was just up ahead and after being blinded by that specific light i saw faries and other elves it was unvelievable i look at the elf who brought me here
"H-hey who a-are you?" I asked with curiousity
"Me? Oh im sorry for being rude, princess. Im anthony your highness " he introduced to me formaly. I was still confused with the princess thing
"does your dad know your out here?" Anthony asked "o-oh? My dad?" I asked, anthony sighed and sat down on a log "your dad is the king" he replied
"Is that so? Well i dont think he knows that im out here" i said "well you can stay here for a while and i'll return you to your kingdom" he said. He is kind of cute....w-wait no! I just met him! And he's an elf!

I snapped myself out of my thoughts and saw anthony signaled me to come over "ok this is where you'll be sleeping" he said i sat down at the comfy bed and i saw him about to change his shirt i looked away and covered ny eyes, blushing
"No need to cover your eyes highness im done" he comforted me. I lowered down my hands and see him in a different clothing "you must go to sleep now we'll be taking off tomorrow " he suggested
"O-ok" i replied and lay down on the bed. And my eyes were looking at the night sky out of the window i heard humming it was anthony the song he was humming was familiar it putted me to sleep

"Have a good night sleep princess"

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