my real true love pt.2

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Dani pov
I walked back to the cabin with luke and went to bed
*the next morning*
I woke up griff was still asleep and got dressed (above) i wrote a note and put it next to griff and walked outside I saw ravi coming up to me
Ravi- hey dani
Dani- hey ravi
Ravi- so hows the relationship ship going with you and griff
Dani- well I plan on ending because I just don't fell real love with him as much anymore like I did before
Ravi- well if that's what you really feel then do it whatever makes you happy
Dani- ya
After that I walked up to the dock and waited for griff
After a while griff came and a stood up and I didn't feel sadness in me this had to happen
Griff- hey babe what up are you ok you seemed very upset in the note
He tried to hug me but i backed away
Dani- no why did you yell at luke when he didn't even mean to do any thing i forgive him because i know that it was an accident and you dont even want him near me and you haven't even talked to him for a week now

Griff- well i-im sorry i was just worried about you i guess i j-just over reacted

Dani- well im glad your sorry but i think you should be saying this to luke not me
  Griff- i will but do ypu at least forgive me
Dani- ya i do
Griff- *tries to kiss her*
Dani-*pushes him away* no i needed to tell you something
Griff- what is it baby
Dani- im breaking up with you i just dont feel anything between us  any more im sorry but im in love with someone else now
Griff- oh
Dani- but we can still be friends*walks away*

I walked away and saw luke coming
Luke- hey how'd it go
Dani- good he said he would apologize to you and *goes silent*
Luke-and what
Dani- i broke up with him
Luke- what why
Dani- because i didn't feel anything between us any more
Luke- ate you gonna be ok
Dani- ya
I walked back to my cabin and grabbed griff sweatshirt and put it on his bed and walked back to my cabin   

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